Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Short ST update part 5 (for real the time)

Got to see M's and Angels in Diablo (Tempe) today. This was the least favorite of the stadiums by far but it was good game for the M's. We had a side wager (over/under 2.5) on how long Bradley would last. Almost got rung up but managed to play the whole game. (I won).

Weaver looked rough today but got his work in. Luke French was looking pretty good but did come unglued a time or two. The only other thing that stuck out for me was what a great hitter Kendry is. Lots of power but hits the ball well the other way and does it all - he could have a good year if the little guys get on base.

Oh the locals seemed pretty jaded by losing Figgins. They have lost so much and Matsui replacing Vladi seems like a wash.

Last game tomorrow and then I need a vacation!

Re: Short ST update part 5 (for real the time)

Great updates Kelly. I have really enjoyed them.