Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Pre-Season Add/Drop

After looking at all the team rosters, I can see that the majority will be using their one pre-season Add/Drop this coming week.
I will be posting here on the forum tomorrow morning once the waiver wire has been officially opened.

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

I already know who I'm aiming for !

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

Jose, I got my sights on someone too!

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

I assume that we don't have to wait until tomorrow to put in our claims, and that we can go ahead and put them in tonight. Correct?

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

No, I won't be changing the setting to allow Add/Drops until tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM ET.

If I were change it tonight, any waiver claims put in tonight would go through later tonight(Monday morning at 1:00 AM ET).

Every team will have until Wednesday night to get their one pre-season claim put in before the first results come out. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's claims have results on Thursday at 1:00 AM ET.

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

Thanks Jimi. That makes sense.

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

Mines in... See what the morning brings.. Skilluck everyone...

Re: Pre-Season Add/Drop

I'm happy with my team,will have to eventually use the DL tho.