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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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0-3 first week

The scheduling absolutely sucks.Buehrle starts over Peavy,Hamels drops to #2,Kershaw loses opening day to Padilla,Torre is a a-hole,while my league opponents in the White div all have 3 2Xers to my none.Plus we are talking about Halladay,Greinke & Baker or Buehrle for Salem,Lincecum,Beckett & Zambrano for Socks & Felix,Jiminez & Millwood for BRO.I need my 5 starters to all win to have even a remote chance.It's a long season so I can't worry about 0-3 start.Maybe my hitters will go nuts.

Re: first week

Ted, I know this is just a part of your problem, but the first two weeks are hard to predict with so many teams having Tuesdays off. They do that to cover themselves if they get rained out on their opening day.
It totally screws with us fantasy players.

It could be worse, we could have no limit on 2X SPs.

Re: first week

Don't feel bad but my 2x are King Felex, UJemenez and Shields (not Millwood). On the other hand, I have 5 2x in week 2 and none in week 3. I will be in Ecudor until 4/18 so unless I can find a internet cafe I will be playing the same team week 2 as week 1 meaning that I will only be playing 2 of the 5 3x in week 2.

Re: first week

Barry, once week #1 starts, you can then go ahead and make your lineup for week #2.
That is, if you will have PC access once week #1 has begun. I'm not sure when you are leaving.

Re: first week

I now have a 2Xer.Hey Kelly,did I do the right thing?

Re: 0-3 first week

Thought I could get more out of Snell 2X than Pettitte one start in Fenway.

Re: 0-3 first week

Can't believe he gets to be the number 2 guy but I suppose you have to start him if you are going to play him at all. Honestly, I think Snell is done. I got to see him twice in Spring Training and he looked awful. The only thing he did was get me and my friend on ESPN when he gave up that bomb where we were sitting to some light hitter - Coco Crisp or something like that. And both of his starts are on the road - not that it matters too much...

Re: 0-3 first week

Thanks for the encouragement.Pettitte will probably outscore him,I just didn't like him in Fenway.