Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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C.J. Wilson gets ambushed by Injuns

Just read that the food poisoning the he had was from the visitors dining area at Progressive Field. It seems he, two other players and two coaches all got sick from from the food.

You have to admire a small market team looking for new and creative ways to win ballgames.

Re: C.J. Wilson gets ambushed by Injuns

BURP!I've been running a fever since Sat eve & still can't shake it. Everything aches from head to toe.Hopefully the pills the Dr gave me will end this. I wasn't in Cleve.so I can"t blame them.

Re: C.J. Wilson gets ambushed by Injuns

The Indians will stoop to new highs to try to win a game. ( interesting that the local news didn't say it was from the Progressive Field Food ) David Huff today said no thanks to the bull pen and threw a complete game that was gift wrapped by the Rangers with two errors and then Choo rapped one.