Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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RED ALERT!!!!!!!

Barry, if u can read this, as soon as u get back on the 18th, u have to replace your SS and RP for week 3.

If u do get back on Sunday the 18th, u still have time to put in waiver claims and then adjust your lineup before Monday games start.

Jimmy - if he doesn't make it back in time maybe u can come up with some of your magic to give Barry a fairer chance for week 3.

Re: Big RED One ALERT!!!!!!!

I did check and see Big Red One's current roster. I see that he has no replacement at SS and both his RPs are injured.
I could make lineup changes for someone if it were a no-brainer, but I wouldn't get into actually picking up FA's without the owners permission. In this case, if I were able to get his permission, I don't think it would be necessary as he would most likely be able to do it himself.
Hopefully Barry will have internet access before the Sunday night waiver wire deadline.

Re: Big RED One ALERT!!!!!!!

I hear ya Jimi, this is a tough one.

Hopefully, he will be back before the deadline.

If it does get close to the deadline and Barry still is unavailable may I suggest, with the other owners permission, that we IR his two players and assign him the highest scoring free agents. I'm sure Barry would appreciate two live bodies to replace his injured ones.

Re: Big RED One ALERT!!!!!!!

I'm thinking he will be back. He has until Monday morning at 11:00 AM ET. The Red Sox and Rays play early on Patriot Day in Boston.
I'm going to try phoning him and see if I can find out his status.

Re: Big RED One ALERT!!!!!!!

Any luck getting in touch with Barry?