Old Glory Baseball League Forum


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Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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70 years ago today (April 16th)

Anybody know what happened 70 years ago today ?

Re: 70 years ago today (April 16th)

31 years ago today, my oldest daughter Karen was born. 70 years ago today, I have no idea. Was it somebody else's birthday?

Re: 70 years ago today (April 16th)

Bob graduated college.

Re: 70 years ago today (April 16th)

the answer is Bobby Feller the young 21 year old fireballer out of Iowa pitched the world's only opening day no hitter.
It was against the CWS in Chi Town. There was a large celebration put on by the White Sox for the event and the 91 year old Feller said that probably he and his sister where the only two in attendence who were actually at the game. He is very active man and had flown in from Mobile the night before. He was in Mobile to honor the battleship Alabama upon which he served having volunteered for the Navy the day after Peral Harbor. He always says he is more proud of his four years in the Navy then his time in baseball. Maybe the 20th Maine should be renamed the Bob Feller's???