Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Ecuador was great but ...

Got back from Ecuador Monday 2:30 AM to find that I'm playing week three with no closer or SS and only two 2x SP. If you guys let me win a game ... shame on you!

Re: Ecuador was great but ...

I've been rooting for u to get back before the deadline for a couple of days. I would prefer to be playing u at full strength.

I also noticed that u didn't change one of ur OF's to the DH position. It says ur roster is currently illegal.

Re: Ecuador was great but ...

Welcome back Barry. As you can see by the e-mail and the voice mail I was trying to get a hold of you about your roster.
We were hoping you would make it home before the waiver deadline came up.
Next year, maybe you can plan your vacation so you come home on Saturday night, or earlier on Sunday.

I went ahead and changed Rios from OF to DH.