Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Thanks and

Thanks for fixing the DH. At 3:00 in the morning after being up 22 hours the brain is not workiing well.

The funny thing is the vacation was actually planned around OGBL. The trip is only offered twice a year and the other would have caused me to miss the draft. I was disappointed that I could not get to any place that had internet at the end of the trip. At the beginning I had two places that charged an arm and a leg for very slow internet but it was at least available.

Next year the current plan is going to either India, China or Africa for my retirement "party". However, it will be in January so it will not screw me over.

Re: Thanks and

Barry, you and Mary sure get around. That is some serious traveling. A retirement party in China? How many of your friends are planning to attend?
Beats my retirement party. On March 12th I got a luncheon, 3 weeks later they call me back in, and to top it off, I went.
This week should be it, retirement #2. I'm thinking there won't be another luncheon.

Re: Thanks and

It is all that money I won last year in OGBL! LOL ...

We do get around, but most of our trips don't cost much more than a week at the beach in the US. Third world countries tend to be pretty cheap.

Also ... we are trying to spend the kids inheritance before they catch on.