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AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

I went to work on saturday morning and had 4 episodes of chest pain during the course of the day before they convinced me that it wasn't something like acid reflux and made me go to the hospital.

Just got out about an hour ago. Of course, it was a heart attack and they cleared out the blocked artery and put in a stent.

Dottie just went to get all the pills I have to start taking. Looks like I will be on the DL for a while while I get settled in on these meds.

Lucky I made some week 4 changes earlier in the week. I usually do that then makes some last minute changes on sunday, but this week I go with what i decided early. I still think I have some DL activations and drops to do, so give me a mulligan if i missed something guys and I'll fix it this week.

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

Holy Cow!

Get better Ray and listen to those doctors

My guess is Jimi will have you covered for whatever so don't worry about us. Just take care of yourself so we can compete fair and square!

Take Care...

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

Ray, so good to hear from you. Yes, I was wondering where you were?
I'm really glad to know that you are now fine and on the recovery. I'll keep you in my prayers buddy.

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

As I told you on the phone, feel free to call with any questions. Take good care of yourself and you'll have many years of fantasy baseball left.

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

Hi Ray,glad to hear everything is OK.Modern technology is great.Hard to believe it's over 8 yrs since my triple.You should be good for another 30 yrs.If you need anything give me a call.Thank GOD we don't have obama care yet.

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

Hi Ray.... Sounds like you did everything right. That is hard for a man at times. At age 56 I had a five way by pass and then nine years later four of them were 100% blocked, so they did three more. That time they used the artery out of my left arm and it seems to be holding up good. On my eleventh year with that baby. Any questions give me a call at 330-622-6556 as you know my office hours are nine am to nine pm. The past 20 years have been great, so I assure you there is no need to worry. Just use good judgement !

Re: AROXX is on the DL - seriously, no joke

Wow ... glad you are doing better now. I had a 2x at 39 but they used the arteries in the chest. They are big mamas that they said should hold me 40 years. I guess in another 22 years, give or take, I will have to try it again.

I had mine just before my 40th birthday and while I was in the hospital the nurse saw I was turning 40 and started taking about never having another birthday. Guess it would have been funny normally, but it did not go over well when I was lying there waiting on my bypass.

I never wish any of you harm ... but as long as you're down anyway ... I hope BRO can gain some ground. ;>