Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Jimi,I enjoy the poems on our forum page but the letters are black on blue background & hard to read.Can you change it to white letters like the Headline?

Re: Poems

I agree Ted. I have quit looking at them because they are hard to read, but I guess I thought it was my computer.

Re: Poems

Ted, you guys are tough on me. I'm saying that with a smile.
What I do is copy and paste that in, and that is how it comes out. To get the letters white I believe that I will need to type it in instead of the copy and paste. I will give it a try the next time I put a new poem in.

Thanks for the input, as it is always welcomed.

Re: Poems

Looks like I did it, the fonts are now white. I just have to type it in instead of the C&P.

Re: Poems

Thank you from all us old guys who are going blind.