Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Points Deducted For Eyes of Texas

The Eyes of Texas had 6.33 points deducted from his total due to the 2nd start from Dan Haren. Haren was not scheduled to pitch twice this week and did so, giving them 4 2X pitchers.

If you scroll back here on the forum to May 9th at 7:51 PM you will see that Earl followed the rules and designated his 3 2X pitchers for this week.

By following these rules, Earl made it clear who his 2X pitchers were. This is something every owner should do when there are any doubts.

Re: Points Deducted For Eyes of Texas

thanks Jimi

Re: Points Deducted For Eyes of Texas

No, no, no. Jimi ... I think AROXX told Texas to do it. You need to fine hime 1 point, too!