Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Mano y mano

AROXX and BRO went mano y mono down to the wire yesterday. AROXX was Braun + 2.33 vs BRO Howard in last game. Fun to watch Howard get a BB and single to Braun - 0 fer 2 ... and come down to the last AB of the week each. Howard came up first and Mil brought in their situational LHP. For those that don't know Howard well ... he is a lefty with awful platoon splits. Anyway, he battled about a half dozen pitches until ... miricle of miricles ... the less than fleet Howard beat out am infield single. Alas ... BRO leads AROXX by .67 with one last Braun AB coming in the 8th or 9th. Normally ... BRO would not have hopes to high based on Braun's 330+ avg but Braun was 0 fer the game and only 1-13 for the week.
Alas, it was not to be ... Braun wins it for AROXX by matching Howard's infield single. Great match and possiblly the 2 most exciting balls that did not leave the infield I have ever seen.

Re: Mano y mano

Barry, did you manage to stay up for the whole game? Last I read you were turning in before Braun was to get his final AB.
You're right about the excitement that comes out of these close games we have.