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InterLeague Play

It's here again and with it comes a heads up for all fantasy managers. With that said, I know that some of you do not like it, but like it or not it's something that is here and is a part of the game.
I can go either way with it, as I do like some of the matchups that it brings.

Anyone care to share your thoughts about it?

PS - Ted, I already know how much you dislike it. But if you want to say it again, you are welcome to do so.

Re: InterLeague Play

Being in NY, I like it. Mets vs. Yankees is like play-off atmosphere. Fans love it and I'm a fan.

Re: InterLeague Play

I can't believe they have played more than a season's worth of games total since inception. I just saw a stat on that on BB2N.

Anyhow, I don't care one way or the other about inter-league play although playing the Padres might as well be Spring Training. I have to admit, when the Cubs or a team like the Marlins come to town, I'm intrigued. I mean, would I want more games against Oakland instead? Not really.

You know me though, I'm a bigger proponent of a shorter season. This year aside, if it snows in several cities in April, hitters are always resting, pitchers are babied more, double headers are taboo - lets just shorten everything and give it 100% the whole year. We could eliminate inter-league play to do it :)

Re: InterLeague Play

On the M's game broadcast tonight, they pointed out something interesting. They felt if you were going to do inter-league play, might as well go the whole 9 yards and play by the opposite league's rules too. They used Edgar Martinez as an example saying it was a shame that when the M's went to an N.L. city, those fans didn't get to see him play. Thought I would mention it, I never thought of it that way...

Re: InterLeague Play

Kelly that would give the AL too big an advantage. The DH in the AL is a guy that gets paid 10 million, when the NL uses a DH it is the #1 scrub off the bench probably earning 400 thousand. Far as I am concerned it messes everything up and takes away from the World Series. But like TV controling baseball, it is just something we have to live with.

Re: InterLeague Play

It's fine by me also, but I would like to see it more limited....

Re: InterLeague Play

I have said I didn't like inter league Jimi,but the main reason is pitchers batting.The whole world has a DH except for the NL.The Yankees lost a great P in Wang running the bases & he may have lost his career.Last year Peavy got hurt running the bases.Another reason,1st inning hitters go down 1-2-3,2nd inning they get couple of guys on base with 2 outs,intl walk the next hitter & who do you have?A P who waves at 3 pitches & the inning is over.Then for our fantasy league my P gives up 1 or 2 runs in 5 innings but his team doesn't score so they pinch hit for him & he's done for the day.No chance for a W,CG,more Ks & IP.NL pitchers do get a few more Ks if they stay in the game tho.Also teams play different teams,the ones playing AL East have a much tougher schedule than Central or West which could affect who gets the wild card.