Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Winning takes luck ...

It was interesting that the key AB of the week leading to my winning the week did not involve either my hitter or pitcher. It also did not directly involve the only team that could catch BRO Sunday night. I the 6th inning of Mil v StL Mil lead 3-2, the bases were loaded with 1 out by StL. Aroxx was 6.67 points behind and had the StL SP. The 8th batter was due and a pinch hitter came in. The count went 3-2 and after a total of 12 pitches the PH struck out. Had that PH got a hit or even a BB, there is a good chace Aroxx's SP bats and pitches another inning. If that SP got the W and another inning with 1 K. Aroxx wins the week.

Re: Winning takes luck ...

Barry, luck has always been a big part of playing fantasy Baseball, and it seems even more so in close H2H games. And it's most noticeable when it affects a game(s) that you are in!

Congrats on your 8-0 week!!!

Re: Winning takes luck ...

Barry - i watched it unfold also. Exciting stuff this head to head play.

Congrats on ur 8-0 week.