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______________2008 - 2018______________

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In The Books - Week #9

Our second Super Week has concluded and Big Red One came out on top with an 8-0 record. The Yankee Doodles went 7-1 and America Roxx ended up going 6-2.
They finished very close in total score,
BRO - 334.33
Doodles - 330.33
ARoxx - 328.67

Six teams passed the 300 mark in week #9.

Also, the first player to top 50 points is SP Ubaldo Jimenez of BRO.
Top hitter was Ryan Zimmerman of BRO with 36 points and high for RP was Francisco Rodriguez of the Doodles with 31.33.

Re: In The Books - Week #9

Congrats to Barry's BRO on a great week. FRod's reward for being high scorer for RPs last week is to ride the pine this week !!!

Re: In The Books - Week #9

Congradulation to everyone.. Close week, great race to all contenders..