Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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In The Books - Week #10

20th Maine captured the week #10 high point honors with a score of 336.67. They were followed closely by The Eyes of Texas with 331.67 and Socks Nation with 330.67.

Top SP for the week was Stephen Strasburg of Fly Like An Eagle with 45.33. Top RP was Brian Wilson of Socks Nation with 24, and top hitter was Josh Hamilton of the Salem Cruisers with 39 points.

At the half way point the best record is owned by America Roxx with 28-14. Right behind him is three teams with 27-15 records, 20th Maine, Kelly's Heroes, and The Eyes of Texas.
The top scoring team is Kelly's Heroes followed by Big Red One and America Roxx.