Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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King of the Hill Finals

It's come down to the final 2 teams in the "King of the Hill" game. Big Red One and Kelly's Heroes. They're both vying for the 1st place prize of $25 worth of Free Agent moves. Coming in 2nd isn't bad either as it's $12.50 worth of moves.
Third place, a $7.50 prize went to the MinuteMen. It's not like I won anything since I'm the one who put the money in the kitty. LOL

Re: King of the Hill Finals

Jimi.. someone said you have to spend money to win money ( he was a lot smarter than me ). A reminder to all... Tomorrow is the 150th anniversary of the day the boys from Maine defended Little Mountain Top at Gettysburg. It is especially important to members of OGBL to remember the meaning of July 4th. Peace to all. Bobo

Re: King of the Hill Finals

Love the King of the Hill game. tracking the two finalists till sunday.