Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Re: CBS Sports App

Dick, no such thing unfortunately as a CBS app but you should have cell phone access in port and probably most of the trip. You must be saying you don't have a data plan? I have extensive bookmarks for when I travel for CBS, lineups etc. That's about all I can suggest for now...

Re: CBS Sports App

Dick... I am of total no help. I would guess if you give Jimi a "plan" he could probably work it for you. Everyone in this great league would be OK with that.

Re: CBS Sports App

Uh, never mind I guess. I haven't had this phone very long and am still pretty clueless as to what it can do. After reading Kelly's response I asked someone I work with about surfing the internet on my phone. I had no idea I could do that. Sounds like being on the ship is going to hit my data plan hard but I should be able to at least make most of my changes.

Thanks for the help.

Re: CBS Sports App

Believe it or not, almost all of these baseball related websites use very little data. I'm on the Internet with my phone at work and share a data plan with Alexis who used it during her entire internship. We share the minimum plan which is 1 GB monthly and don't even come close. The real data is downloading music, YouTube videos, movies, etc. without a plan it will cost more than it should but still should be cheaper than the ships Internet costs.

Re: CBS Sports App

If you do find wifi off ship, tap in for free. Just about any coffee shop now offers free wifi

Re: CBS Sports App

Thanks for all the help Kelly. We only have three stops for a seven day cruise so I won't always have access to a coffee shop. I've been told that using my data plan on the ship will be considered roaming and will hit my plan pretty hard but even if I can't make changes every single day, I should be able to get by. I'm thinking there won't even be reception when I'm out in the middle of the ocean between Canada and Alaska so each time we hit land, I'll make lineups for the next few days.