Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Re: Attention OGBL Owners

August 31 is past the announced cut-off for waiver pick-ups that I believe was said to be this Sunday night August 18 (or was it Saturday night August 17?) Does the number of MiL on team have to be 4 or less? What if you are already eliminated, can you have 5 or more if some are on bench? You might want to do that since you don't know who will get too many games in a Sepember callup to be a MiL keeper.

Re: Attention OGBL Owners

All I want to know is when is the draft scheduled for ?

Re: Attention OGBL Owners

Me and you both Jose. But we can look forward to pulling off a very big playoff upset. Good luck!