Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Hey Guys: Just wanted to share some good news with all of you. Fox just announced that they are ordering 9 more episodes for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, so that will make it a full season of 22 episodes. On top of that, they also said that after the Super Bowl telecast, which of course will be on Fox, they will be airing an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which will be a great boost for the show.

Re: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Jose...I couldn't be happier for your family. We love the show !!!

Re: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Great news buddy. Watched every show so far, including the last one on demand cuz I was in A.C. for the initial broadcast this week. :-)

Re: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

another good episode. I like the way they used her character this week. :-)