Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Re: New Rules

Thanks for your input Earl. The subject of player trades has come up in the past. The first 3 seasons of the OGBL there were no trades allowed. Once we started allowing them we had a short off-season 6 week period that required majority vote by the owners. Since then we have increased the period to 16 weeks and did away with the voting.
You mentioned that you would like to see trading during regular season play. This hasn't been talked about that much but can be explored. I will add, that when we first made the change to trading it was discussed then with more than one owner saying they did not want trading during the season. Maybe we can get some replies here and see where others are on this subject.

As for the draft. When reading your post you mention that our draft takes 2 days. Are you counting the Supplemental Draft as 1st day and the Regular Draft as the 2nd?
Reason I'm asking is because our past 2 drafts have taken 3hr 50min and 3hr 5min. We've been using the Supplement Draft from the beginning but that could be changed to where it is all done in 1 draft. Again, let's see how the other team owners feel about this.

Re: New Rules

Thanks for the reply Jimi.

Not trying to cause any dissension, as I enjoy this lg alot. It just seems that a trading period in the early part of the season would help the owner that loses a key part of their team early. If it's your batting or pitching ace, your team could be hurting and even uncompetitive for the rest of the season. I also think that it would just add an element of fun/excitement.

As to the draft, I didn't mean to say an eight hr draft, just to say that I enjoy finishing the draft in one evening. Just me, as others may enjoy the slower style of draft.

Again, I'm not unhappy with anything, and am just throwing out ideas. Thanks Jimi, for being a great commissioner.

Re: New Rules

My 2 cents.. Ok with in-season trading but would vote for first third of season, maybe end of May. Unless. All Star break is much more than half of the season and maybe too far for our league. What might work for All Star break deadline though is if we said all trades okay except keepers.. Could allow for that guy that stumbled on 3 good second baseman to get a decent pitcher for example. We all might be more amendable to any rule out of fear of balance/collusion if we exclude keepers.