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New Play Off System Part 2

Part 2
Right now we allow all 12 teams to participate, something very few leagues do. Most leagues take the top teams only, with some setting up a consolation bracket for the teams finishing lower in the standings.

Right now it takes 6 weeks to run our post season, that's using a 2 out of 3 series for the championship. We tried reducing it to a 2 week series but it wasn't popular.

So the only way to eliminate week #26 is to allow less teams into the championship post season play. I've come up with 2 formats that could work. One has 6 teams in the championship bracket and 6 in the consolation. The other has 8 and 4.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

Part 3
Using the same scores, here's how things would of looked had we used these systems this year.
Under the 6/6, first through 4 went like this.
1st- Giant Nation
2nd- MinuteMen
3rd- America Roxx
4th- Kelly's Heroes
Consolation final was between Yankee Doodles and Eyes Of Texas. Since Texas didn't play in week #23 the outcome is in question.
Under the 8/4
1st- Giant Nation
2nd- Kelly's Heroes
3rd and 4th was between Eyes Of Texas and America Roxx
Consolation final, Yankee Doodles beats Salem Cruisers.

The Prize money could be changed to give the consolation winner some cash, but what would make it more enticing would have the consolation winner getting the #1 pick in the next years draft.

Any one have comments on any of this?? If so, feel free to reply here.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

I don't really have a problem with the system the way it is. I think both finalists have the same decisions to make in week 26. Having everybody in the playoffs at the end gives all a chance for some late season heroics and excitement regardless of their regular season record.

If we were to make a change, the 6/6 sounds interesting with the Top 6 battling it out and the Bottom 6 doing the same.

Take what I say with a grain of salt, since this is the guy that just picked the A's, Tigers and Angels to advance in the A.L. :-)

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

Jimi... I will go along with whatever you want to do, however, I see the current system as being ideal. Now if I could EVER figure out how to win.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

I also like it as-is but will adapt as needed. I like that if you are in, you are in and it's exciting. If you lose, don't have what it takes to win it all and be involved in the last 3 weeks...you get to concentrate on real baseball without that fantasy bias. If that makes sense...

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

if my math is correct that's 3 managers plus the commish who want to leave things as is. Need a few more to weigh in on this one.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

What most of us don't like about week #26 is that a lot of teams that have clinched sit a lot of regulars for many games. So I believe is we can go 1 of 2 ways. First leave things as it is but move everything 1 week; meaning, let the regular season go 19 weeks instead of 20. Second way is to let regular season stay at 20 weeks, but only the top 8 teams qualify for the playoffs and the other 4 play a consolation playoffs. I know we had a #9 seeded win the overall last year, but how often is that going to happen? I like the top 8 teams qualify for the championship only. My 2 cents worth. If no one likes either of these, then I'm for leaving everything the way it is.

Re: Reply To Jose

Thanks for your input Jose. I'll add my feelings on this now.
I will say this about shortening the regular season. It's something I don't believe in as it takes away a week of play for all 12 teams so 2 teams can play week #25 instead of week #26. Something we need to keep in mind, week #26 effects only 2 of the 12 teams in our league, and if you look at previous results, the 2 out of 3 series, sometimes the 3rd week isn't even used.
Using a weekly lineup I can see this being more of an issue, but with the ability to change lineups each day there's really not that much to be concerned with in using week #26. JMO
But, if there is enough owners who want to do away with it, going to the 8/4 system is an option too. This is something that does not need to be decided on right now, meaning we do have time here.

Re: Reply To Jose

I'm for leaving it as is. The "deal breaker" for me, is that I don't want a "consolation" winner, having first pick in the next draft.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

My first comment is this highlights just how lucky I was this year as using the other two formats, I don't even finish in the top 4.

My experience with playing week 26 this year is I ended up with only 7 pitching starts and was barely able to even make a full lineup each day and took some zeros from guys getting rested. That kind of sucked but I don't think it mattered in the end as Brian had some of the same problems and the final game wasn't really very close. Jimi pointed out earlier there's only a 50% chance you use week 26 anyways and both teams deal with the same stuff so I say give us Free Agent moves up till the bitter end and leave the season and playoffs alone. One request I would make though is that once a team is eliminated from the playoffs, they aren't allowed to make any more moves.

Re: New Play Off System Part 3

Wow, I'm surprised everyone is so nice. lol I would say the 8-4 set up is good. I cant say my teams the past couple years have deserved a shot at the title. Sometimes that's just the way it is. 25 or 26 weeks doesn't matter as much to me.