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Re: Long time gone.....

Hiya Yarrow,

Things are not too bad down here. I spent the last week up in the Blue Mountains visiting family. It was great to get out of the city and into some clean air and nature.

I just finished a sculpture course which was interesting and fun. I'm hoping to get another scholarship if I can to do another couple of terms. At the moment I'm doing a course on the editing software Final Cut Pro, lots of fun :)

How are things with you?

Many blessings Faery and Other-wise


Re: Long time gone.....

Lovely to hear.. I don't know final cut Pro... am a photoshop person ( too lazy to learn something new ) kind of guy.
Hey Blue Mountains... your a down-under froudian too!!

Life is good I can't ( but often do ) complain, I'm in the middle of that paying off a mortgage, raising two kids, trying to remember to pay my relationship some attention, wash the dog, feed the rat, work full time in a cafe, try to freelance as an illustrator, keep connected to family all interstate, wonder why I'm round in places I used to be flat in, why does that part ache now?, drink some red wine and go to bed, get an early start on it might help, PHASE of my life..........


Well that probably accounts for why I haven't been in here a little bit, but mostly just get too caught up in it all and kind of forget to remember that I need to feel a connection to Mama Gaia or it all seems dulled down and a little tarnished...

so I am back trying to find all the good ways of filling up a soul that is quite frankly a little thirsty !

burning some incense, rifling through my beautiful Froud books and others, sipping cups of tea and staring at leaves falling, drawing small happy things just for me, and gentler music for a while.... see if that helps

do you know Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu? I am finding his album simply therapeutic at the moment, I highly recommend it!

So enough rambling on from me, what sort of sculpture are you looking in to?
Will send wishes for the grant/scholarship, and the blue mountains sound lovely I have not been there I'm afraid, flown over them but that's it unfortunately...

Take care Spriggan, gaurd that faery treasure well.....

warmth breezes to you in our cold winter


Re: Long time gone.....

or warm ones for that matter

Re: Long time gone.....

Hi there Yarrow

Yup, I'm an Aussie Froudian. I live in Sydney but my family lives in the Blue Mountains. I would love it if the Frouds did a tour of Australia, would also love to see Woodland do a tour here, that would be awesome and an LOJ ball would be fantastic!

I guess we can dream, maybe some day it will happen.

Wow, you sure have a busy life! Sounds good that you are taking some time out for the quieter things.

With the sculpture it is a relief of the profile of a young ladies face, we had to make something that would only require a one piece mould. I moulded it out of clay then made a plaster mould and then filled it with more plaster. Then I painted the finished piece to make it look like it is bronze. I was actually aiming to make it a rose gold colour but it didn't work out . Even though I finished the sculpture weeks ago I still look at it each day and see things I want to change or improve. It's probably lucky I can't change it as I'm sure to have over worked it and ruined it completely.

I hope all is well with you and that you are getting some time to sit back, relax and enjoy a connection with nature.

Many blessings


Re: Long time gone.....

welcome back! I hope you are finding time to nurture yourself and relax a bit. Things seem crazy everywhere....
I just got back to Northern California from burying my mom in Ohio only to get into an argument with my partner first thing (we were looking to open a store together). I think she was having second thoughts and looking for a way out...and get out she did, so now i have to figure out what to do with that idea. Besides that I'm working full time in a gallery, trying to keep my relationship with my BF together, enjoying the summer as much as possible, trying not to stress about the economy, finding time to pick berries, weave, read, write, meditate. LOL I hear ya about the new aches and pains, and round where flat! So true.
Be well and take time to dance with the faeries (but cautiously...)

Re: Long time gone.....

Hi Yarrow,

I remember your user name. I have been mainly lurking here lately - for some reason not being in the mode for posting as such, but as someone else says the forum does go through different periods of what level of interaction tends to happen.

Love and light.

Re: Long time gone.....

Sorry for your loss Laiste, hope your mum's soul is journeying on joyfully.

There is a lovely quote from somewhere( sorry can't remember who twas )

'things cannot disappear, they can only change'

Hope you have found some calm in what is always a turbulent time, and good luck with deciding on what to do with the shop idea ( what sort of shop where you thinking about? )

When it all gets too much surround yourself with a bubble of light and imagine it crackling like static electricity off everything it touches... let it fill you up inside and shake away the shadows

Love and Light, happiness and inspiration to you Laiste

Thanks for the welcome back too I really appreciate it, very happy when my email tells me someone has responded to a thread.... my little tendrils of energy reaching out to you and all the froudians here

As for the economy Yikes! It is a weekly battle and all that horrible dealing with money can really mess with your calm.... still I hope for the future and work towards it as happily as can be managed, picking berries and weaving sound like darn good ideas.

Thanks for the warning too, I shall dance most cautiously .... though it is awfully tempting sometimes to contemplate just vanishing completely..... but not yet.

Re: Long time gone.....

HA ha ha see the little buggers stole my

rotten piskies...

Re: Long time gone.....

Hi Mystique, thanks for the welcome back, Yeah it does seem quiet in here at the moment, maybe there are bigger things afoot!!

Hope your year is going nicely, it is icy cold down here at the moment and I am finding just getting up in the morning a struggle, though at least today the skies are blue ( even if that did mean scary frosts )

Will make a cup of coffee and eat a biscuit!

there's a plan


Re: Long time gone.....

Thanks for the good words and advice! i hadn't realized I had thrown up/out so much stuff! It did feel good to get it all OUT!

Coffee and a biscuit sounds good.
I might just have to indulge in that too.
Day by day, that's what I've been doing, and focusing on the positive as much as possible.
Oh yes and i am dreaming of opening a "wellness center" type of store, with books on Sustainable lifestlyes, spirituality, etc. as well as classes, lectures, readings etc.

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