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Odd Occurrances

You know how they say that the minute you open yourself up to seeing something you'll see it everywhere? Well, though I already believe in the existance of the Fae kith, for some reason I only saw them when I was at school. However all of that changed about a weekk ago.

I work at a renaissance faire that's held in the middle of the woods. Our site has a lot of magic woven into the trees, and there aren't really any large animals tromping through. However, I'd never really thought about the Fae kith being there until out of frustration I said, "If there were faeries here, they'd be laughing their [butts] off at us!" We were all tired, and had had more "costume malfunctions" than usual, not to mention broken benches, and the trees were dropping more crap into our cups than we could fish back out. One of my friends turned to me very seriously and said, "Oh, but there are faeries out here." I happened to glance back into the woods behind us and see the silhouette of a short man standing in the woods about thirty yards off. The man waved, and I got the feeling that yes, in fact, he WAS laughing at us, and then he disappeared. I didn't say anything about it, but my other friend (who plays a faerie in the Faire) seemed a little jumpy and kept glancing back into the woods.

Re: Odd Occurrances

gohs i wana jsut see a faery or even jsut to feel them once!! lol
you so lucky

Re: Odd Occurrances

I once came back from the grocery store and got out of my car, and when I started to open the house door with my key I realized that I no longer had it in my hand.

I looked over and over again on the path between my car door and my house door, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I started checking under the doormat and under my seats and in my ignition, every place over and over and over again looking for my key, and finally, out of almost an hour of desperation, I popped my trunk to check it--

And my keys were there. x_O I hadn't opened my trunk since I left the grocery store-- I had gone straight from the driver's seat of my car to the door of my house. The only way that the keys could have gotten in the trunk would be if I had dropped them when I loaded the groceries in the car before coming home...but then how did I get home?

One explanation: faeries.

Favorite Froud Book? GF/BF

Re: Odd Occurrances

Silly faeries!!

They always do things like that to me.

The old,

"let's hide this thing, giggle while they look all over for it, and then place it somewhere they've already looked"


Re: Odd Occurrances

Oh boy does it bother me when they do that!

Re: Odd Occurrances

Oh dear, I am still wiping my eyes! ROFL

This happens so often with me, hunting high and low for something that I KNOW was there five minutes before. I only recently connected the disappearances to the faeries, bless them.
One of the most recent was a couple of weeks ago when I was making a plastic canvas picture of a faery (as it happens). I had been filling in a big area and went to reach for the same ball of wool I had been using without any problem, but it wasn't there!!! I looked and I looked. I checked the floor... nope, under the chair... nope. The shelf again... still nope! I must have looked around for quite a while and it was absolutely and definitely gone. I gave up and went to do something else, came back a few minutes later, and there was the ball of wool, right where I could have sworn I had left it in the first place!! I used to think it was me........... but now, well....... looks like someone likes to have their bit of fun! LOL


Re: Odd Occurrances

I had a feary Encounter.

it was in my bedroom. I woke up, randomly in the middle of the night, I thought, "Do I need to Toilet?" (Becuase Normally that's why I wake up.)

But no, I felt that someone was there, becuase I get paranoid about having people I don't know in my room in the middle of the night. (Too many horror stories!)

so I turned around in my bed, SLOWLY!! and I look over the edge of my bed, down at the floor, and In the corner of my eye, a little elf-like Faerie was poking it's head around the corner of my bed post.

it was cute looking. It knew I was looking at it. but I could see a shadow and siholette. It was like, and small elf with Faery wings.

it was weird.

I Turned onto my back again. and then rolled over to see if he was still there. It was. but then I rubbed my eyes. and it was gone.

talk about trippy.


Favorite Froud Book? all thee

Re: Odd Occurrances

Boy do I know how you all feel!!!

About a month ago, I got this feeling when I was holding my Fairie oracle cards that they felt kinda lite. So, I counted them and recounted them and came up ONE short! Well, luckily, after I figured out which one was missing, (it was Nelys the Alchemyst) I had that blank card (that I never felt right in using - never could figure that out, but this is probably why, hee, hee) and used it to replace the one who was lost. Well, don't you know, that card came up in the reading that I almost immediately did.

It really bothered me after that...where did Nelys go? I couldn't think of anywhere that I would have left her. I'm NOT careless with my cards - I charish them too much.

Several weeks later, I was looking for something else entirely in a basket that had collected it's fair share of stuff (I hadn't even moved it in over a year) and there, on the bottom was Nelys and IIbe, The Retriever!!! HA! I couldn't beleive it! I know I counted those cards several times and it was just ONE I was how did I find TWO in that basket?!?

It was a very Fairie thing to do! After that, I asked them to please never do that to me again - my heart just can't take it - and I thanked them for comming back. So far, so good!

They still move other things around, and that, I don't mind. I know that after they are done with whatever it is, they will bring it back.

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies Oracle

Re: Odd Occurrances

Gothic, that is so cute seeing that elf in your bedroom! Do you have cats or dogs? I've heard they like to cling to their fur and ride on them.

Dragonfly, something similiar happened to me with the Oracle book itself. I had been looking for it for months and couldn't find it anywhere. The night before my first Faeryworlds festival in 2004, I was dusting a gold metal bookcase that has slats instead of a solid bottom, and I know books can fall through them. But the bottom rack is only a inch from the floor, and my Oracle book was lying FLAT underneath it! When I took it to get it signed by the Frouds I told Brian about it and he laughed and said, "They are tricky little buggers."

Not only have they hid things, they throw in little metaphorical jokes to go along with it. I'd recently made a raw gemstone necklace with the stones being garnet, sapphire and amethyst. The sapphire one fell off and rolled who knows where in my living room. I panicked because I had vacuumed and thought it was lost forever. I looked for it everywhere, moving every piece of furniture there was...nothing. A couple days later, I saw it just casually walking across the floor. There it was next to the couch I had so carefully looked around and under. I laughed because the sapphire represents soundess of mind. I said, "Ha, I've lost my mind, now I've found it again!" I'm sure They got a KICK outta that!

Re: Odd Occurrances


LOL!!!! That is so funny! They do tend to like stones - especially pretty ones. I am rather fond of stones myself, and believe they have great power if respected and are used properly and they are constantly comming up missing and then they show up right where I know I looked! So, I can totally empathise with you!

I am glad that you found your book - and I'm sure that Brian would laugh alot if he read this list of fairie pranks!

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies Oracle

Re: Odd Occurrances

These are all really interesting experiences, and they also help to put my mind at rest that I am not really losing it after all!

So, I would be interested in any comments you folk would care to make on the reason/s behind the following events:
Last Yule, a good friend gave me a pretty little silver acorn on a chain. I run an online druid grove called Hawk's Oak, so it was kind of a totem for me, and a treasured thoughtful gift. I wore it all the time. A couple of months ago the chain broke and the acorn disappeared. I don't know when exactly. It could have dropped anywhere in my home or on the walk to and from my daughter's school. It was at the school that afternoon that I realised my necklace felt different, pulled on the chain, and no acorn. All the way home I looked for the acorn, but no luck. I searched around my house as well, but nothing.
However, that very day I found a sprig of Honesty on the pavement in front of me as I walked home from the school that afternoon, after I realised the acorn was missing. I also brought a second hand knitting bag that day, which turned out to have a tiny silver bible for wearing on a chain in the side pocket of the bag, with Lincoln Cathedral written on the back. Now, both these find have a childhood significance for me, honesty being probably my favourite plant as a child, with those amazingly delicate moon-like seed pods, and the Cathedral at Lincoln houses the famous Lincoln Imp, which my dad challenged me to find when he took me there as a kid. So I am wondering whether the three events are connected and the honesty and bible would be considered a fair exchange for the acorn by the faeries? Honesty, in the Oracle, is one of my favourite faeries, so to me there could well be a strong meaning to all of this.
So any comments would be very welcome.

Re: Odd Occurrances


Personally, I think these three are related. However, I wouldn't be surprised if you find your acorn laying all nice and bright on the floor of your car when you least expect it to happen. Could be days, weeks or even months down the road (no pun intended )- but I believe it will happen. The fairies aren't into stealing, they only borrow.

Meanwhile, enjoy the gifts they left you and look for their meaning in your life now - not only what they represented in your past. They were given to you at this point in your life for a reason.

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies Oracle

Re: Odd Occurrances

Hi Dragonfly,
If it turns up in my car I will be thrilled! I want a car but don't have one at the moment! LOL
I am sure you are right in what you say though about faeries borrowing, not stealing. Faeries' concepts of what behaviour is acceptable is much different from us humans after all. If they are enjoying my acorn, then that is great, and I know they will give it back when they have finished with it. I just wasn't sure whether they might feel that they had made a legitimate exchange, you know, the honesty and the bible for the acorn. I thought that might mean that I won't see the acorn again.
I am thinking hard about the meanings behind the gifts as well. Something to take from my childhood that I can use now perhaps. They use all these symbols, and they are usually personal to the person they contact aren't they. I mean, we all have different attitudes to things. For example, meeting a black cat would please me but someone else might panic cos they are scared of cats.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.


Re: Odd Occurrances


The meanings are very personal and I would suggest meditating while holding the charms. Maybe it will be a moment of "Ah Ha!" and the meaning will just hit you.

When I "see" stuff, like the floor of a car (like what I said about where you will find your acorn) it is within the realm of my knowledge and experience. It could be some mode of transportation or it could be the dark greyish carpet (that I took as a floorboard of a car) is somewhere that looks similar to that.

Anyway, I don't anticipate it will be very soon that you find your acorn, though I would like to hear back from you when it does finally turn up. Right now, it is important that you focus on the charms that were exchanged for it. I think that is somewhat more pertinate at the moment.

Take care and enjoy your charms!

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies Oracle

Re: Odd Occurrances

Hi! Reading those stories is so fascinating! I haven't been lucky enough to see a faery, but I thought I'd share my little faery story. The kids were back at school this week so the alarm went off for the first time in 6 weeks (urgh!). It was set to Radio One and straight away it really annoyed me, and I said so quietly to myself. The next day the alarm went off set to Radio Four and no-one in the family had touched it and it takes ages twisting the dial forwards and backwards to set it like that perfectly on a channel.
I think we must have a kind thoughtful faery, as well as those cheeky ones who hide things and put them back where you've already looked

Favorite Froud Book? Faeries

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