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Why can't everyone just play nice?

Hey Everybody!

When waking up this morning to the news of a new terrorist threat being thwarted, I wondered how this was affecting you? I know many of you live in the UK and as I live in the US, I was just wondering what your thoughts are and how it is effecting your life?

In my humble opinion, it is certainly a sad state of affairs. Why can't everyone just play nice?

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies' Oracle

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

i think it's crazy that the only liquids being allowed is formula, beast milk, medication and insulin. you can't even have a bottle of water or gel deodorant!!!

i know it's because thay want to be safe, but terrorists want to incite panic. they want this stuff on the news.
if they can't actually blow up the plane, then at least they scared some people. they're attitude is sick!!!

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

Hi I've just writena reply on anothyer posting, I'll tell you what I think one day it will be too late for anyone to stop the mad things that happen. I watched one episode of Doctor Who a few months ago where the earth had finally died it made me cry, we have a wonderful world with a lot of beautiful things and people in it but we can't see the wood for the trees.

Favorite Froud Book? Good faeries/bad faeries/ The Runes of Elfland

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

Too true! And THEY do it ALL in the name of GOD, which really ticks me off. The least they could do is take responsibility for what they do and why they do it.

I really do believe it will come down to those of us, who can see the forest for the trees, who will have to pick up the peices when it all goes to poo.

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies' Oracle

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

When the last river has been dammed, and the last tree has been cut down, humanity will realize that they cannot eat money....
As for the terrorists, well, this is what being a terrorist entails: inciting terror. What I find silly is that we're playing into their hands. It's human nature to fear, but that should only give us more reason to think of a logical and intelligent way of thwarting this sort of thing when we aren't scared and can think straight. We don't think ahead, or at least the people in charge don' I'm feeling rather dismal now. And as a fresh high school graduate and new college student, I think I have more than the usual amount of anxiety for plunging headfirst into the adult world?

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?


I hope this topic didn't put you in that dismal place! I just think that by shedding light on fear we turn it into courage and that is what it will take to combat the feelings of uselessness that many feel regarding this issue. That's the only reason I even brought it up. I wanted people (especially young people) to have a place to talk about what impact this war and the constant threat of terror-ism is having on them.

Anyway, Butterfly, what are you planning to study in college? Have you decided on a major yet?

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies' Oracle

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

Hm. I have no major yet, but I'm thinking of psychology. I enjoy observing people and analyzing actions, but as you can see from my being here, I don't cast things into black or white. Just because my eyes cannot see it doesn't mean it isn't there. And faeries are excellent proof of that. If someone argues this concept, I put it in terms they can understand, like, say, a million dollars. Does it exist? Yes. Have you seen it? No! Same principle.
That being said, I think that humans cannot play nice without uprooting their cognitive anchors and *TRYING* to think of things in different ways. Most people aren't ready for that sort of thing, which is why they can't sympathize with each other, go easier on each other, and settle things civilly.

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?


I think that is absolutely wonderful! I too love to analyze peoples' behavior and have often wanted to go into phychology. Nothing is black and white and that's why people need so much help.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies\' Oracle

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

Unfortunately, it seems to be human nature to destroy and abolish anything that doesn't fit into "someones" views. Until people as a whole learn tolerance, acceptance and love, the world cannot play nice. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. It goes back to basic Mob Mentality. People with power often abuse it, and those without power want it/ or are frightened of it and join the mob, and as we all know a person may be a good upstanding citzen until they join into the mass mob. People in radical groups turn into monsters. It IS a sad state of affairs when one cannot even bring toothpaste on a plane.

Re: Why can't everyone just play nice?

Tamara T.T.

Thanks for posting! It is a sad state of affairs. Open dialog, like this, helps. I believe that it is important to throw open the closet doors and shed light on the 'ghosts' that haunt us. Albeit, some are more ugly truths than what we want to see, but none the less, discussing these things brings a peace of mind that most people are searching for.

Thanks again!

Blessed Be!

Favorite Froud Book? The Fairies\\' Oracle

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