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Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

Are there any details of what he invented that wasn't scripted, like searching for his note pad, hand gestures and stuff?

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

One that comes to mind is in Death Lends A Hand where Culp pulls Columbo's tie out of the tomatoes, which was not scripted, and Falk ad libs about getting it on his tie.

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

I read that Falk had the "Where did you get those shoes?" idea for "The Most Crucial Game" and heard on an interview with Peter Falk that it was his idea for the final clue in "Agenda for Murder" years later.

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

I'm surprised there aren't more posts on this libs.
I was going to ask the question...listing the tomato/tie scene as MY example...of an ad lib for sure
another I think is in Publish or Perish when Columbo has a hard time getting up after eating the chili in the restaurant ...seems like an ad lib.

any more folks?

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

I get the feeling where he breaks his shoelace in Exercise might have been unscripted.

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

in "Murder by the Book", the script has Falk saying the secret to a good omelet is "no milk, just eggs." In the actual show, he says "no eggs, just milk". It's either a flubbed line, or an ad-lib, I don't know which.

Re: Ad libs etc invented by Peter Falk?

I heard Peter talk about this one......In "Any Old Port" Peter was on the phone waiting on hold and started whistling This Old Man, that one was an ad lib, it stuck and sort of became an unofficial theme.