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Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

As all of us netflixing columbo fans know, Netflix only has the first 7 seasons which has missing episodes. This thread is strictly an attempt to gather netflix users to contact Netflix Support and ask them to please upload the missing episodes and seasons 8-13. If we can get enough people to request the missing episodes and seasons, hopefully it will put on some pressure or gain more attention in getting our request answered.

WELL netflix ISN'T FREE...AND DO THEY OFFER HD version after all? I know amazon Amazon Prime Instant Video starts offering the first season bluray hd versions of columbo...

maybe netflix are trying to upgrade the videos and so they ain't available for now

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

I never said it was free? I'm speaking only to people here who already have a netflix account and would like to contribute to the cause. I don't think they have any current HD episodes on there, but the quality is good nonetheless.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Who cares? I've got all the Columbo DVD's I want and have been thoroughly enjoying the original releases for years. I couldn't care any less about what the Netflix racket does, or doesn't do with the material. I mean, how many times do conspicuous consumers need to buy this (or any other) series before they're satisfied?

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Uhh, I care? That's why i made this thread. It's silly to say that since you have the DVDs why bother. Look at where that attitude has gotten us I'm just looking for others in a similar predicament. Seeing as you have a problem with that because you're taken care of is alright, just pretty lame honestly.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Uhh, I care? That's why i made this thread. It's silly to say that since you have the DVDs why bother. Look at where that attitude has gotten us I'm just looking for others in a similar predicament. Seeing as you have a problem with that because you're taken care of is alright, just pretty lame honestly.
Indeed. I wasn't attempting to be cryptic Columb-nuts ... just pointing out that such hollow pursuits are as vapid as your demand from Netflix. The series is already readily available from thousands of sources, and that the craving for more by insatiable consumers like yourself makes no sense to me. Hope that clears up your confusion.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

I don't really see what's wrong with someone with a Netflix subscription wanting Netflix to upload the entire series and not just some of it? And why the need to attack (and to resort to name-calling), even if *you* personally are not interested?

In my opinion, like Ted already said, the more ways for people to find Columbo, the better. Nothing wrong with having several media to choose from and to choose the one you prefer.

Also, even if one already has the DVDs, Columbo on Netflix is in HD - not a vast improvement over the DVDs (the picture quality of which is already pretty good), but noticeable on a big TV screen.

So, for someone subscribing to Netflix, I can totally understand it being frustrating that the series is available for the most part, but some episodes (1-2 episodes per season, plus the pilot movies) are missing. And there doesn't seem to be any logic to what episodes are missing either.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

For those interested, Netflix has recently uploaded the episodes that were missing from the original 1970s seasons, so seasons 1-7 are now available in their entirety. No pilot episodes or ABC years though.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Cool, thanks for the update, Pete! I didn't see the original thread, but I'd be interested in the remaining ones, as well, as a Netflix user! We'll keep hoping...!

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

IMHO, the more places and the more ways to find "Columbo," the better. I well remember the days when you could only get about a dozen episodes, on VHS. How quickly we forget!

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

ColumboMastery, recently Netflix has a "new episodes" tag on the website, indicating there are new episodes. Its not clear to me exactly which episodes were newly added, I think "Troubled Waters" but anyway, I do hope they include more episodes but for some reason I doubt it.

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

ColumboMastery, recently Netflix has a "new episodes" tag on the website, indicating there are new episodes. Its not clear to me exactly which episodes were newly added, I think "Troubled Waters" but anyway, I do hope they include more episodes but for some reason I doubt it.

Netflix now has available all the episodes from season 1 through 7 (the NBC years 1971-1978).

Still absent are the two pilot episodes from 1968 and 1971, as well as seasons 8 through 10 (the ABC years 1989-2003).

Here are the "new" episodes that were added to Netflix (from comparing to a list I had made previously of which episodes available on Netflix).

1.1 - Murder by the Book
1.7 - Blueprint for Murder
2.1 - Etude in Black
2.5 - Requiem of a Falling Star
3.1 - Lovely But Lethal
3.2 - Any Old Port in a Storm
3.8 - A Friend in Deed
4.4 - Troubled Waters
5.1 - Forgotten Lady
5.3 - Identity Crisis
7.5 - The Conspirators

- mike

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Please put the rest of the seasons of Columbo. We pay enough for the services and Netflix should accommodate their customers

Re: Netflix to upload entire Columbo series

Lifelong fan. Began viewing with my father in 1971, and though I have seen every episode, I still love the little putz! One of the two Hallmark tv network currently IS playing every season.

If this forum is still active, I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible, especially those outside the USA.