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Why are blackmailers so dumb?

Apart from "Murder of a Rock Star", (one of the few modern episodes I've seen) why is it so often the blackmailer is so dumb?

Think Gene Stafford in "Exercise in Fatality"

Roger White in "Double Exposure"

Lenore Kennicut in "Death Lends a Hand"

Vittorio Rossi in "Murder under Glass"

Lilly La Sanka in "Murder by the Book"

Shirley Blaine in "Lovely but Lethal"...

the list goes on.

All of them confront the murderer and then get killed.

Now, you might say Gene, Lenore and Vittorio were not blackmailers as they didn't demand anything from the murderer, but if they weren't after something why didn't they just do what they threatened?

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

Actually, Lenore Kennicut and Gene Stafford were not blackmailers. They were threatening to expose the activities of the murderer, but didn't try to blackmail them.

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

Didn't Jerry Parks try his hand as another blackmailer in the series (Mel Ferrer in "Requiem for a Falling Star")? He wasn't successful, either, since Nora Chandler had his letters to her assistant (though why he'd care, I don't know, since he was actually an exposé writer rather than a straight-up blackmailer; however, it's been a while since I've seen this one, so I could be mistaken).

I think part of the problem, as with the "Worst Actor/Actress" thread, is that sometimes the show's writers don't understand how blackmailers actually work, and thus are unable to write them in a successful way. I think the dumbest mistakes in the writing are when, like you pointed out, they have the blackmailers put the screws to a murderer. If the victim has EVERYTHING to lose by exposure, then they are the absolute worst person to blackmail -- like what Miss LaSanka tries to pull off. Better victims would be only ones that were facing destruction of their reputation or something like that; not someone who had already killed and likely wouldn't hesitate to kill again.

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

Gene Stafford, I will agree comes off as just dumb, because this guy has to be dense beyond belief to not guess that a guy like Milo is more apt to work him over at the very least, if not kill him outright in response to his macho bravado threats. I think the fault was not just the writing but a very bad acting performance that should have been dialed back a lot more.

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

I think Lilly, Roger, and Shirley can be blamed for being quite foolish, because, as it's been pointed out, they all knew that the people they were blackmailing were capable of murder. On the other hand, with Lanore and Gene, I think their being off-guard just goes to show that people like Milo and Brimmer seem too successful as businessmen to even entertain the idea of risking murder. Gene and Lanore might have thought these men unable to take such a risk. Also, I would consider Milo Janus as one of the most foolish murderers, because (if I'm remembering correctly) Lewis Lacey reveals later on that Milo hadn't really done anything criminal to begin with; that, even if Gene were to have exposed him, there wouldn't be anything to really indict Milo with. Of course, Milo wasn't aware of that before he murdered Gene.
And also, Eric, I actually think the writing and acting for Gene Stafford was quite good, but this is coming from someone who places "Last Salute to the Commodore" on my Top Ten list. (I understand that episode's not too popular with a lot of fans)

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

I've said it almost ad nauseum, but my problem with Lenore Kennicut is that she has almost a perfect opportunity for "counter-blackmail." In other words, she can promise Brimmer not to tell her husband what HE tried to do as long as he sticks to his "clean bill of health" about HER. And since she's obviously a smart person just like Brimmer, she should THREATEN to tell her husband instead of just telling Brimmer she's going to do that, period.

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

Eric Paddon
Gene Stafford, I will agree comes off as just dumb, because this guy has to be dense beyond belief to not guess that a guy like Milo is more apt to work him over at the very least, if not kill him outright in response to his macho bravado threats. I think the fault was not just the writing but a very bad acting performance that should have been dialed back a lot more.

Indeed. Not to mention the fact that Stafford touts his own prowess as a savvy corporate controller, and yet invests $150,000 in what he termed a "second-rate operation" without a thorough understanding of what he was getting himself into.

Incidentally, Robert Conrad and Philip Bruns starred together in an episode of "The Wild Wild West."

Re: Why are blackmailers so dumb?

I just saw the bizarre horror film SLIENT NIGHT, BLOODY NIGHT, and Philip Bruns "played" one of those characters you only see in photos, because he's already a late character at the beginning. You hear a voice-over from the character because of a journal he left, but it sounds like a different actor doing the voice-over.