The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Should The Columbo Series Have Finished In The Seventies

New Columbo didn't try to badger the murder into confession anymore he just used his experience to gather enough evidence to make an arrest, it was all routine. He didn't torment the suspect anymore he just gathered evidence and followed clues.

In the seventies he kept in mind that this person he was dealing with actually killed someone and used the high ground to pursue them until justice was served. So much fun to watch.

As for the actors, I think they were following Peter's lead and bouncing off of his acting. Peter set the tone of the show and I think the actors followed that tone. George Hamilton is a good example of this, he just responded naturally to a friendly old man smiling while making accusations. Had the old Columbo questioned him his reactions would have been different.

I definitely think Peter could have played the old Columbo in the new episodes and I really wish he would have at least tried. One thing that bother's me the most about the new episodes is his tribute to WC Fields, he makes many comments with that WC Fields accent and I really don't like it.

Re: Should The Columbo Series Have Finished In The Seventies

In a word ... YES.

The Columbo I recognize ended with "Last Salute to the Commodore" which was not only an ironic cap, it was easily the worst installment of the original series ever produced.

As far as I'm concerned, anything made after that rates as nothing more than commercial overkill.

Of course, a few episodes in the 6th and 7th seasons had some merit, but not nearly enough to warrant a purchase of the DVD's.