The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Unique car & clock in each episode

I posted this a while back and due to lack of response I thought I would repost it and try to do a better job of wording the subject. Have any of you noticed in every episode there is always an exceptional clock and car in at least one scene? It leaves me thinking someone (star/crew) was a clock and car enthusiast.

Re: Unique car & clock in each episode

I noticed some fantastic looking clocks in "Lady in Waiting" (1971) and "The Most Crucial Game" (1972).

As for the cars I found an interesting fact regarding the Ferrari Daytona's in "Lady in Waiting" (1971) and "Short Fuse" (1972).

The engine in the Daytona was a Colombo V12.

Re: Unique car & clock in each episode

I've mentioned it before, but my strange experience with clocks on the show was in A STITCH IN CRIME. For a long while I thought that the object Columbo slams down on Dr. Mayfield's desk during that angry moment was that attractive clock you see him winding early on. And that put me off a lot more than the angry moment itself, which was called for. So I was really relieved when I realized it was the paperweight instead.

Re: Unique car & clock in each episode

In the Greenhouse Jungle, Jarvis makes a point of setting the dashboard car clock back (on the E-type Jag) to disguise the time of the fake "abduction" .

Doesn't fool Columbo of course!