The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Search Engine Kudos

I just wanted to relay to the regular contributors here (and to deliver a backdoor thanks to the webpage owners) that this site places among the top three spots of every search engine on the web under the "Columbo" key word search criteria.

It shows you how popular the topic is and continues to be, which I believe to be a direct result of its enduring nature and without any doubt ... interest in this interactive forum. (note the two stars)

And remember folks, the costs of maintaining this ad-free opportunity is coming out of the pockets of those presenting it, so if you're a fan like me, there's an additional reason to be grateful.

Re: Search Engine Kudos

Thanks for the kudos, Simon! We used to be consistently #1 in the search results for Columbo, back before Wikipedia got traction. But of course nowadays almost any word of name you search on, will get the Wikipedia entry as the #1 hit -- so I can't feel bad about that.

It's also true that some (actually, a lot) of the Wikipedia article comes from info on this site -- not just general, publicly available data, but some things (like, the story of the Trivial Pursuit lawsuit) that I personally spent hours digging-up from the law library and elsewhere. But Wikipedia does cite us as a source (the last I checked), and anyway my philosophy is pretty much like Google's or Wikipedia's -- that information should be shared and appreciated. The whole purpose of the site is to promote enjoyment of Columbo.