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Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

Of all the episodes, this one isn't so obvious regarding motive. Why does superspy Nelson Brenner (Patrick McGoohan) kill off Leslie Nielsen under the pier? Is it because Brenner doesn't want to pay Nielsen the money he's owed from a deal years prior or does it have something to do with Brenner being a double agent?

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

Both. Brenner thought Geronimo was dead. He certainly didn't want to cough up the $350,000 he owed him, and the last thing the dirtbag needed walking around was someone with proof that he was a double-dealing piece of trash playing one side against the other. I can't think of clearer motives than those.

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

Thank you for answering. I've seen that episode a lot and yet the motive doesn't stick out like a green thumb, which is usually the case in Columbo. The money, $350 thousand, should be a drop in the bucket to Brenner. The guy's loaded. And Nielsen comes across as so nonthreatening, it just seems that if he's willing to work with Brenner again (which he obviously is) then he might be of use to the double agent. Killing him off only lands him in the slammer, anyway.

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

I think you're right about the money ... that was more of a nuisance issue. He simply didn't want his double-agent cover blown by an associate insider with proof, so murdering Geronimo was killing two birds with one tire iron.

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

As to why Brenner is engaging in this behavior that's put him in position where he feels he must kill Geronimo, the key is when Columbo visits his home and sees he has everything. Brenner then dismissively says, "I find it dull." Clearly, Brenner has been doing all this extracurricular work of double-dealing etc. because he simply wants to look for more thrills in his life as he sees it.

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

Don't forget that this was 1975, so that $350K would have been more than $1.5 Million in today's dollars. Not exactly a drop in the bucket, even to someone of Brenner's wealth. But yeah, it's also clear that Brenner simply wasn't too keen on Geronimo turning up alive.

Re: Season Five's "Identity Crisis"

This is a great episode. PM's acting is fantastic as is PF's.
I imagine Brenner kills him for the money and for the blackmail. Brenner obviously knows something about his victim - that the victim WIll definitely turn on him. The victim underestimates Brenner and is not aware that Brenner will kill him.