The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: MInd Over Mayhem

It was definitely better than I remembered. I enjoyed watching Columbo in this one, not a bad episode. I over looked the robot and just payed attention to Columbo solving the murder. It was better than Most Dangerous Match.

So were Margret and Neil really having an affair? Was the hotel guy a plant?

Re: MInd Over Mayhem

Frank Lee Speekin
that Cahill's reason for murdering Nicholson was as incredibly lame as his way of going about it.

Exactly. Who, in their right mind, stops in the middle of staging a crime scene to light a cigar?

Re: MInd Over Mayhem

Only reason I can imagine was to settle his nerves. My ex-editor always had to step outside for a cig when he was agitated (usually after conversations with me, alas). Nonetheless enjoyed the ep for Ferrer's performance and the weird atmosphere (one of the reasons I liked Bye-Bye et al Murder Case -- it played like some strange little Kafka-esque stage play).