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What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

After reading recent discussions on the forum related to "Make Me a Perfect Murder" and "An Exercise in Fatality", with fictitious locations, media etc , such as the film "The Professional" and Milo Janus's fitness gyms, I got to wondering about what various of these fictitious elements a fan of the series might be interested in experiencing if they were real. (I know it's sort of a silly topic, even a bit childish, but nevertheless, I'd love to read anything anyone would like to share in this regard )

For me, personally, it would be fun to perhaps read various books written by the murderers, such as the book by Bart Kepple that caused Columbo to drool in its description of popcorn (I can't remember which one of his books it was, but I believe it was "The Mind String and How to Pull It"), or Joe Devlin's "Up From Ignorance". Of course, there are many other tomes referred to throughout the series that would be fun to browse.
As far as locations, I'd love to visit The Lytton Museum from "Old Fashioned Murder", or perhaps The Ark Park (I believe that's what its called) from "Dead Weight", as I'm fond of animals. I'd love to sit in on some of Eric Mason's self-help lectures, perhaps including the same one that's shown in "How To Dial a Murder" to hear what precedes his shouting, "You're gonna die!"
Perhaps the only fictitious element in the series I would never want to experience or try is "the wine that made Carsini famous", since I'm not a drinker.

In any case, does anyone have some thoughts on this?

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I would love to go to any of the houses, but first and foremost the house in How to Dial a Murder - especially the room with the Rosebud sled. The house in Forgotten Lady would probably be my second choice. The houses were one of the things I loved about Columbo. Also Carsini Winery would be great too.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I want to get a haircut from Darrell. ;-)

Seriously, I want to live in Martin Sheen's house in "Lovely but lethal".

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I like the haircut idea. Darrell would be the best, but I would settle for the salon in Lady in Waiting. I would also like a massage from Murchison's masseuse at the health farm in Lovely but Lethal.

Wow, there's so many things that would be fun to do the more you think about it. Too bad it's not possible. All the places in Columbo, combined with the 70's decade, make the thought so appealing.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Standing near the abandoned junkyard whie Eddie Kane is hurling every type of homemade explosive known to man!

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I would like to take a ride on the tram in 'Short Fuse' I believe i saw this in another 70's show (maybe mission impossible?)Anyone know this location? Is it still there and operating?

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I believe that's the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway shown in Short Fuse, and yes, looks like it's still around:

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Along the same lines as the Abigail Mitchell books, it would also be fun to read the Mrs. Melville books.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I would like to take a ride on the tram in 'Short Fuse' I believe i saw this in another 70's show (maybe mission impossible?)

I'm pretty sure the tram was featured in an episode of "I Spy," maybe that's what you're remembering.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

As a huge fan of Agatha Christie, I'd love to read some of Abigail Mitchell's mysteries. I also wouldn't mind visiting the deserted ranch/movie set from How to Dial a Murder, the spot where the murderer trains the Dobermans.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

All of these are wonderful, very fun to read! I particularly love the idea of getting a haircut by Darrell He's definitely one of the funniest "side" characters for me.
I also got to thinking about places that are real-world locations, such as the Travel Town Museum in "Identity Crisis", that are places which one could even now actually visit, and very easily I suppose if one lived in the Los Angeles area or surrounding environs. Of course, it wouldn't have the same sort of feel these days, I would guess. I wonder if there are any forum users that lived in the area around 1975 and perhaps visited that location during that time?

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Abigail Mitchell's studio; Joan Allenby clinic

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I'd like to visit a place that isn't even shown, simply because of how I IMAGINE it would look, and that's Rodger's home in SHORT FUSE. Judging by his hairstyle and wardrobe, it would probably be full of stereotyped early ' 70s things. And I use the word "stereotyped" in a nice way, since I enjoy those things, and without any real "irony" about it (I'm sitting a few feet away from a black light and a lava lamp).

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

The Chateau in Columbo Cries Wolf

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I hadn't thought about the places that aren't seen on the series, but that is an interesting take on it, Grant. Thinking in that vein, it would be wonderful to see the rose garden Colonel Rumford refers to in by "Dawn's Early Light", perhaps even while he was there, tending it. I would suspect he'd be doing it with an expression on his face very similar to the one he has in talking about it.
Anyway, thank you everyone for your interesting responses; I'm looking forward to seeing what other places, books etc. fans come up with.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Coincidentally, I just saw BY DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT last week (it's a coincidence because I have a habit of watching most recordings of any given thing only about once a year, to keep the novelty). That "wistful" way he describes the roses stays with me too.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

That's a good habit; I should practice it more often myself. There have been a couple episodes (namely "Dead Weight" and "Fade in to Murder") that I recently viewed after not seeing them for several years, and it was certainly a refreshing experience (for a long time they were toward the bottom of my "favorites" list, but after seeing them again after so long, I have a new appreciation for them, though they're still by no means in my top range of favorite episodes).

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Like Irene DeMilo, I would like to see the salon in LADY IN WAITING, though it would be hard to want to leave the lobby area due to Barbara Rhoades' character sitting there.
(Of course, the same is true of the amusement park in IDENTITY CRISIS, due to her character in that one.)

The same is true of Gloria West's apartment in GREENHOUSE JUNGLE, but not just for the obvious reason. Even though Arlene Martel as Gloria completes the picture in a huge way, it seems like a very nice apartment to begin with. (Yes, I know it's supposed to be because she's a "kept woman" - to some degree or other - but that part is none of my business!)

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I would like to eat at Barney's Beanery and then grab a bite for dessert from the Ding a Ling ice cream truck.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

I collect militaria (mainly copies, but so what?), so between character actor Timothy Carey as Barney and his souvenirs in DEAD WEIGHT, I'd certainly like to go there.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Not a fictious place but going back in time to the early 1970's. Being born in 1967 the early 70's are my first true memories. I would like to go back to my parents house in my small Pennsylvania hometown on a Sunday night in the early 70's while The Most crucial game, A stitch in Crime" "Etude in Black" or many other episodes originally aired.
The Miami Dolphins were also super bowl champs back then so there are two reasons as to why I would like to go back to that era.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

That's a very nice example. It reminds me of the places I first saw certain episodes.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Any given place with a deep pool makes me envious, like Milo Janus' place.
Obviously the Halperins' pool would have unpleasant associations.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

One pool area that looks particularly pleasant to me is Nelson Brenner's, where his guests seem to be having such a wonderful time. It might be interesting to attend one of Nelson's gatherings and mingle with guests of international importance (not that I'd have much to say, though). Dr. Mayfield's gathering, in "A Stitch in Crime", has a similarly charming feel, but again, I'd probably have little or nothing in common with those attending.

Also, I enjoyed your variation on the topic, APK; having grown up in the '80s and '90s, it's always interesting for me to read about those who grew up with the series in the '70s, when it was brand new.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

The house of the maestro in "Etude in black" and Nelson Brenner's house in "Identity crisis".

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Just watched Prescription Murder again last night for the 100th time, and Dr. Fleming's office is pretty fun with his hidden bar. If I were going to a psychiatrist, that's the office I would like to go to (if he'd offer me a drink)!

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

The house of the maestro in "Etude in black"

I've always liked the way he's put off by being asked how much money he makes, which of course is connected with the price of the house. (It's almost the opposite of Adrian Carsini and General Hollister's attitudes, the way they use that J. P. Morgan quote.) The fact that he considers that a very personal question makes a lot of sense to me.

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

The horse ranch in Blueprint/

Re: What fictitious place or thing in "Columbo" would you want to visit/experience in reality?

Milo Janus' health spa (in spite of all the unpleasantness connected with it).
Unfortunately ' 74 would be too early to see the Cory Everson / Rachel MacLish kind of female athlete (I have a real attachment for them) exercising there, but it would be nice either way.