The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Lethal but lovely - Vera Miles character calls Columbo 'Peter'

I guess I'm not the first person to notice it but the character Viveca called Columbo 'Peter' accidentally in lethal but lovely episode. I thought I imagined it but no, she definitely calls him by his first name. Strange the director didn't retake the scene.

Re: Lethal but lovely - Vera Miles character calls Columbo 'Peter'

i never noticed that, which scene was it in?

Re: Lethal but lovely - Vera Miles character calls Columbo 'Peter'

It's when they are in her office and he is trying to wind her up. It's shortly before the naked fat farm scene. She says something like I'm sorry Peter I can't help you.

Re: Lethal but lovely - Vera Miles character calls Columbo 'Peter'

The post prompted me to watch the episode last night and it appears that Viveca Scott says "I'm sorry you wasted your time here", with the word "here" understandably sounding like "Peter".