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Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

In Columbo and other series - and books too - there are some things that are hard to believe. Personally with Columbo I let them go because its such a great series.

But I recently watched Try and Catch Me again. I have seen this episode many times and overlooked the unbelievable until now.

One, Abigail hands Columbo Edmund's keys and thinks that this will settle the case. She must have thought that Columbo already bought her alibi. Since she is a mystery writer she should have known better and definitely should have known that the police searched the area around the house and most likely would have photographed it.

Two, and more importantly, is the unlit safe. In the last scene Columbo uncovers the message in the light fixture. We have to ask why no one has changed the bulb or fixed the electricity up to that point. The safe is the scene of a homicide. Did they investigate it in dim light from the living studio or by flashlight? They should have changed put a lit it asap, even the first day of the investigation.

Third, Abigail is told she cannot go on the cruise - but we find her on the ship. Makes for a good scene in the episode and one could argue that Columbo merely suggested she could not go and that he presented no court order to her. Seems that she, a mystery writer, would have settled the issue before she boarded the ship.

The great thing about Columbo is that the unbelievable can be overlooked but in this case it really stands out.

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

Those are some interesting points, especially the business with the light bulb. Even nearing the end of his investigation, Columbo is examining the safe with a flashlight when, as you said, he could have just as easily had the bulb replaced (although, I admit, I do love that scene in the darkened safe, with Columbo's face in shadowed profile as he turns around at the sound of Hammond entering the room; it sort of has a vaguely eerie/suspenseful quality). For me, the whole ending of "Try" seems a little unbelievable, as well, not so much in regards to the believability of the evidence, but more having to do with the whole sequence leading up to Columbo finding that last piece of evidence, where it seems just a little too contrived (but contrived beautifully). I agree, though, that, in spite of the various far-fetched aspects in certain episodes, the series is of such a high quality that those elements can easily be forgiven.

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

Well, there you go. The other 'Bryce' has tried, yet failed miserably, to match my writing style. For the record, I did not post the message preceding this message, and although yesterday I stated quite matter-of-factly that I would not write a message similar to the one I am now writing, I find myself forced to do so in this instance for fear that regular and honest posters would not be willing or able to differentiate between the two of us. I don't pretend to know and do not want to give this 'Bryce' more time than I have already, but going forward, I shall sign my posts as 'The Real Bryce' in the hopes that would be more clear those reading the forum. Nice try, 'Bryce' but you haven't won this round and I assure you that you will not win any future rounds either.

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

Yes, that is the mark of a great series. The acting and scenes are so good that the 'unbelievable' is easily forgiven and not easily scene at first (at least for me.)

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

Ed, I'm sure you're already aware that the second comment from "Bryce" is false. For one thing, the comment I had made earlier in another topic was that I wouldn't respond to "Bryce" in that specific thread, not that I wouldn't respond in other threads when called for. Not that in this instance it's really called for, since it's obvious that it's a fluke.
So, go ahead, "Bryce", preface your "name" with the word "Real" from now on, but I'll make it quite obvious now that that is not your real intention, but a device you're using to cause more confusion. Of course, if you really are going to post as "The Real Bryce" from now on, I guess we'll all know who that is.

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

It doesn't ruin the story for me by a long shot, but I think that for Edmund to be a fortune hunter he'd almost have to have some halfway odd ideas about being one. First, there's Edmund assuming that Abigail would make him her heir for sentimental reasons even after losing Phyllis. Sure, that's what happens, but should he assume anything like that?
It sounds morbid, but it seems like a much better plan would've been for him to bide his time and wait for Abigail to "go" and for Phyllis to inherit. Then maybe he could've lived off Phyllis (assuming he was really as much of a fortune hunter as Abby thought).
Then, if there was "murder in his heart" (to use Abby's phrase from that speech), he could've done something to Phyllis. But not till then.
Does that make any sense?

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements

Yes, that makes excellent sense. No doubt that he was already living a good life. He did not have a steady job. Maybe Abigail was already supporting the couple. So in his place - I would have waited.

It seems that in quite a few episodes the murderer could have waited or not committed the crime in the first place. At least in my opinion. Also, in some episodes the alibies made the crime even easier to solve. I think that is why I like the 'sudden' murder cases more than the others - and I do like the others. Death Lends a Hand and Port - the murders were not premeditated and the episodes are great.

Re: Try And Catch Me Unbelievable Elements


That was actually very smart of Edmund when you think about it! He put the note somewhere he knew the Police would have to go soon!