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Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

That's very true, but I also like that scene for the opposite reason, because there's a funny "Misery loves company" feeling about it when Elliott tells Goldie "The only ones who have suffered here are the lieutenant and myself."
And in a funny way, that's true, because even if he HADN'T gotten caught, that whole business of the police digging up the site to look for a body really WOULD HAVE caused him the kind of embarrassment he mentioned. Not as much as it would have Columbo himself, but a lot.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

While not entirely related, that reminds me of how earlier in the episode, too, Elliot sort of grouped himself in with Columbo as a "victim" of Goldie's prodding and deception. That sort of tendency of the murderer to be seen as a victim, and Columbo's subtle toying with that tendency, reminds me a lot of the part in "Ransom for a Dead Man" with Margaret trying to incriminate Leslie with the car keys.
I hadn't thought about the matter of Elliot actually having a reason to feel upset about the excavation even if Columbo was foiled in catching him, but now that you point it out, it really would give Elliot a lot of unwanted publicity and notoriety. A noted architect being suspected of burying a murder victim under one of his buildings certainly seems far more sensational and lurid than even many of the high-profile crime stories in the news today.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Just for the record, I am not responsible for posting the note above. It's from the other 'Bryce' or 'The Real Bryce' as he stated he would be referred from now on. It's painfully obvious, but thought I would point out to those who may not be clued in on this imposter among us.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Although he refers to him as a genius within the episode, Columbo thoroughly disliked Bart Kepple in "Double Exposure". Note the reaction of Columbo after nailing down the final clue, not long after that overt battle of nerves on the golf course.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

I love that whole golf course scene. The first part with Columbo riding the golf cart around Kepple and his entourage makes me think of a hawk circling its prey with the "subtlety of a train wreck" (to paraphrase Kepple himself).
Also, the recent topic about "Murder by the Book" reminded me of an instance in that episode where Columbo shows anger toward a murderer, though not in the presence of the murderer himself. In the scene where Columbo is laying out his suspicions about Ken to Joanna Ferris, he seems to speak of Ken with a distinct resentment ("This man, Franklin, murdered your husband!" etc). In "Lady in Waiting", too, Columbo expresses what could possibly be disdain for Beth Chadwick (or perhaps simply his passion for the investigation) when he tells Peter Hamilton, "You asked me what I thought, and I'm gonna tell ya. I think it was deliberate... etc" Also the fact that he tells Beth at the end, "I wanted to see the look on your face", while not necessarily being a direct show of anger, for me indicates a desire on Columbo's part to really put Beth in her place with a little derision.
And unrelated to the topic, I want to point out that "Bryce" has become active on this thread, as well. As I mentioned in other recent threads where "Bryce" has been playing around, I'll just initially point out his presence here, without taking the time to address it again, should he decide to make other posts on this thread.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

I've said it two or more times before, but I've always thought Columbo was taking a real chance by accusing Milo Janus in that waiting room in front of those witnesses. Sure, YOU know he's going to get the right amount of evidence at the end, but HE isn't supposed to be sure of that. So in a way that shows just HOW MUCH anger he had toward Milo as much as anything else does.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Perhaps the murderers who have killed women.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Perhaps that's why he got a little nasty with Dr. Borden in that one scene of DEADLY STATE OF MIND, just for not being very cooperative. Was that before or after Nadia jumped from the balcony?
Speaking of that, I can't help wondering if some of his anger at Dr. Collier is anger at HIMSELF, since he was actually in the room when Dr. Collier made that phone call to Nadia.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Milo Janus and Dr Mayfield. Loved it was he pounded the desk in the confrontation with Mayfield.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Can I ask people to give the title in brackets after the murderer's name..? I'm a big fan but even I can't remember which murderers' name belong to which episode.. I mean.. Dr Mayfield.. which episode is that..? And Milos Janos..?

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Dr Mayfield- A Stich In Crime, Milo Janus- An Exercise in Fatality.