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Re: Try and catch me: did Edmund kill Phyllis?

In a way, that smirk is my problem with suspecting him, because it's about as close as the story comes to anything concrete. I still don't think Edmund's apartment not having a single photo of Phyllis really counts all that well, since maybe genuine grief had caused him to get rid of them, or put them away who-knows-where. In some other place, I mean, not the apartment.

And like Clay, I've always wondered how Abigail's suspicions didn't get back to Edmund. Even one of her lines TO him is meant to sound like an accusation - when he reminds her how he searched for Phyllis, her line is "I know what you did. Everything you did."

Re: Try and catch me: did Edmund kill Phyllis?

I believe that Edmund did INDEED kill Phyllis.It just seems to me that if my wife had drowned only 4 months before, I would begin to show emotions everytime someone mentioned it. When Edmund walks with Abigail near the water,he seems to show no emotion. Also, the way he looks so indifferently at Phyliss' picture, in my opinion, bespeaks a cold blooded individual!

Re: Try and catch me: did Edmund kill Phyllis?

That is obvious that he killed her.