The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Most intriguing use of a past murder in the series?

It's strange that I'm bringing up one from the later series (since I know it so badly), but in REST IN PEACE, MRS. COLUMBO, Vivian Dimitri's late husband (even though you never actually see him in an episode) was someone Columbo had arrested for murder.

Would that also make him the only COLUMBO killer whom you ever hear about being deceased?

Good one, Grant!

Also, while past the range of the original 7 seasons, "Agenda For Murder" has Columbo referring to an *actual* past case, or maybe 2 of them.

The key clue was the killer's bite-mark in a wedge of cheese. Famed LA County Medical Examiner Thomas Noguchi often spoke about the case where he identified a burglar (not also a killer, that I know of) who was identified by his bite-marks in some cheese from the victim's refrigerator. So that anecdote, I think, was the direct inspiration for this clue.

But in discussing the dental clue, I believe Columbo instead refers by name to serial killer Ted Bundy, who was convicted in part due to bite-mark evidence. As I recall, Columbo was naturally too discreet to mention that Bundy's tooth-prints were not in Reggiano cheese, but in one of his victims' buttocks.

Re: Most intriguing use of a past murder in the series?


Very pleased to have stumbled across this site...full of real die-hards....I have watched Columbo for decades...and as most here I'm sure...repeating episodes countless times...It is my all time favorite...and I consider myself a "student" of really is like comfort food to me.
I look fwd to posting and "befriending" Columboheads....