The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Perhaps that's why he got a little nasty with Dr. Borden in that one scene of DEADLY STATE OF MIND, just for not being very cooperative. Was that before or after Nadia jumped from the balcony?
Speaking of that, I can't help wondering if some of his anger at Dr. Collier is anger at HIMSELF, since he was actually in the room when Dr. Collier made that phone call to Nadia.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Milo Janus and Dr Mayfield. Loved it was he pounded the desk in the confrontation with Mayfield.

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Can I ask people to give the title in brackets after the murderer's name..? I'm a big fan but even I can't remember which murderers' name belong to which episode.. I mean.. Dr Mayfield.. which episode is that..? And Milos Janos..?

Re: Which murderer did Columbo most dislike?

Dr Mayfield- A Stich In Crime, Milo Janus- An Exercise in Fatality.