The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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Possible Remake of Columbo?

I appreciate all of the sincere responses to my post yesterday. I really enjoyed being 'back' and contributing to this board, and so far (knock on wood) the individual who chose to use my name for devious purposes has not responded, and I am hopeful that he went away and crawled back into the home from which he came.

I would like to throw out another question for some serious discussion, and one which I think will elicit a fair amount of responses, but I acknowledge that not all will be comments of which I agree, but nevertheless, I'd like to hear what you all have to say.

If by chance - and we all know that it would never work, or least not be welcomed by many whom remember Peter Falk's Columbo - but, if perchance a remake of the show was proposed, who do you all think should play the role of our fearless, befuddled, yet genius-in-the-making leader? I'll throw a twist in and say, for argument sake, that an actor who has since passed on is, for the moment, back and among us for consideration. Does anyone stand out to you all? Certainly, I have a short list of 'potential' actors, but for fear that my choices may interfere with your own independent thoughts, I'll wait for a later time, and perhaps see if anyone shares in my thoughts.

Re: Possible Remake of Columbo?

This came up recently with Monk start Tony Shalhoub being an excellent candidate, though hard to imagine him making transition from neat and OCD to rumpled and sloppy.

Re: Possible Remake of Columbo?

Don't know how well this choice will go over, but i think Tim Roth could pull it off. Lie To Me was one of my favorite shows when it was on and he can pull off some comedy, if anybody has ever seen Four Rooms.

Re: Possible Remake of Columbo?

A wise man with a vision once thought long and hard about this very matter and then said: "Johnny Depp. He's inventive, eccentric, and downright weird, and he is, like Peter Falk, a clever, resourceful and "thinking" actor. I can see him throwing all of his imagination into both reenacting and reinventing the character."

The wise man continued, "The result would certainly be controversial, especially among hardcore Columbo fans, but it would also surely be thought-provoking. If he failed, he would go down in a blaze of creativity."

I myself would love to see what Johnny Depp would do with Columbo as a character and "Columbo" as a project.

But who was that wise man who said all that? Trying to remember. Hmm, yes... Who was it that Ted that?