The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Really need some help!

Hi i'm hopeing someone from this site has the knowledge to help me, I'm trying to find an episode in which columbo needs to find a Master key (he calls it a Rosenvinge key)to help him solve a crime. If anyone can solve this for me it would be fantastic. My wifes family are the Rosenvinge's it would be very special for them to see this episode.

Thank you if you can help

Re: Really need some help!

I think it might be PUBLISH OR PERISH, but someone else here would be able to tell you for certain.

Re: Really need some help!

Actually, I think it's TROUBLED WATERS. It's not that I remembered the exact name, but I know that the special key in that story HAS a longish name, so I'm pretty sure that's it.

Re: Really need some help!

Actually, I think it's TROUBLED WATERS. It's not that I remembered the exact name, but I know that the special key in that story HAS a longish name, so I'm pretty sure that's it.

In Troubled Waters, the killer used a Curtis Clipper to make a master copy of the Ving keys that were used on board.

Re: Really need some help!

I don't recall ever seeing that - perhaps its in a later episode. I did the new tab thing and typed in Rosenvinge key and what is a r k. I did not see any site which associated Rosevennge with a key.

Re: Really need some help!

I've seen all the episodes old and new, and there is no such mention of a key. Sorry, it must be another show.