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Dancing in Columbo episodes

Since we've covered booze in Columbo, thought we could discuss dancing in Columbo. As with many shows from the 70's, it's always amusing to see the background characters dancing. One episode in particular is Old Port in a Storm. If you haven't noticed already, check out the background dancers in the scene where Columbo goes to tell Rick Carsini's fiancé that they found his body. It makes me laugh every time.

Anyone else find any of the dancing scenes memorable, particularly in an amusing way?

Re: Dancing in Columbo episodes

One scene I find quite amusing is in "Short Fuse", where Roger is in the night club and his attention is being diverted from Ms. Bishop in two ways - he keeps on checking his watch in anticipation of his uncle's imminent death, while also sneaking glances at the women dancing to the very 70s-sounding music.
One aspect of the whole sequence that I particularly like is the wild dance music playing over David Buckner talking in the limousine, where there's the impression of something important being said there, but all you can hear is the increasingly (to me at least) mind-numbing music! Of course, later on it's revealed what Buckner was saying.
That sequence and the ending scene are actually the only two parts of the episode that really stand out to me.

Re: Dancing in Columbo episodes

In the episode about the very intelligent accountant murderer, when Columbo visits the murders assistant at the club.


Re: Dancing in Columbo episodes

@Irene....yes the dancing in that Old Port storm is hilarious...not to mention the use of that funky disco-like music there...and in that scene in Bye Bye in the disco...with that girl Susie who comments on Columbo's hair I believe....makes me cringe...