The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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Which murderer's lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

While it would be hard for me to choose a specific one myself, I might half-jokingly say Jarvis Goodland, as he is the only murderer in the series who seems to be retired (though he doesn't seem any happier for it; even his talent for gardening doesn't appear to bring him much satisfaction, as apparently evidenced by his response to Columbo telling him he has a green thumb - "I WHAT?!").
Anyway, does anyone wish that they could live the life of one or more of the murderers for awhile (that is, of course, before they had murdered anyone and become the prey of Columbo)?

Re: Which murderer's lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

Milo Janus, partly for that pool of his and his house being walking distance from a beach. But also (and you hear this complaint a lot) from WANTING to exercise and not getting the chance. In his case, his whole profession was tied up in it.

Rodger Stanford. Even though I'm sure it gets a lot of chuckles and embarrassment, I like his whole stereotyped early ' 70s "persona" (whether or not Roddy McDowall was really the right choice to play a character like that).

Ken Franklin. As selfish as it sounds, he enjoyed all the fringe benefits of the writing team. James evidently didn't care about that "superficial" side of it, and that's one of the things I definitely WOULD like. (Although I'd try to soothe my conscience by at least TRYING to contribute more to the writing.)

Re: Which murderer\'s lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

I'd have to go for Dr. Joan Allenby, the sex therapist in Sex and the Married Detective, played by the lovely Lindsay Crouse ...

Who wouldn't?!

Re: Which murderer's lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

Dr. Marcus Collier's.

Re: Which murderer's lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

Alex Benedict. The glamorous profession, the beautiful wife, the incredible house with a tennis court, the enthusiastic butler, the cool car. Alex had it all.

Re: Which murderer\'s lifestyle/profession/expertise is most enviable to you?

I could be smart-alecky and say Ray Fleming - he's a successful psychiatrist who also gets to fool around with his hot actress patient.(Contrary to what people say, this wasn't before someone could get in big trouble for that, but it was before it was extremely COMMON to get in big trouble for it.)

Plus, she has that pool, and I have a one-track mind about those, so that puts him right up there with Milo Janus for that reason.