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Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

I just watched this Salute to the commodore episode on vision TV in Toronto, Canada. It was a very weak and different Columbo episode with awkward pauses. However, I asked myself the same question that Cassa asked at the beginning and nobody answered. Why did Swanny have to kill Charles Clay? There was no reason because the evidence was pointing out to Charles as the Killer and therefore there was no motive. Strangely, Columbo did not even mention it in the his final big talk, what was the motive for the second murder and how did Swanny do it?!!!
As someone said, maybe McGoohan was drunk when he directed it!!!!!

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

I started liking this episode when I stopped thinking about the story and about how different it is from other Columbo episodes.

I think it's a great episode because of great moments. There are a lot of them and they are great. One of them I didn't even notice until I read someone mention it here, that is Johnny the scuba diver.

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

I would agree with all those who pointed out that it was an episode purely played for fun and humor. There's no pretense involved, in that I don't believe the episode was ever even attempting to live up to or outdo the standards of drama and tense interplay of the other episodes. It seems as though it was more of a stand-alone attempt in taking the undercurrent of humor running through the series and, just once, making it a distinct focus, rather than only one of many elements.
As a showcase for the comedic talents of both Falk and McGoohan, I don't think there could have been a better opportunity than with such a poor script that would have been completely worthless if played seriously and by the book. To me, at least, given the surreal nature established in the episode, even the vapid way Columbo wraps up the case has an almost strange verisimilitude that it would have been utterly devoid of if played straight (of course, one could argue that the script shouldn't have been produced in the first place).

I agree, Clay, that there were a lot of great moments in the episode. One of my favorites is when Columbo, Mac and Kramer are trying to figure out the order of the letter stencils and engage in ridiculous antics. It's not the type of behavior one would want to see Columbo involved in most of the time, but as part of a singly unique take on the character, I think it's delightful.

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

I don't know about drugs, but they were all pals and heavy drinkers. It would not be the only time they "guys" showed up drunk.

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

I totally agree! I've just watched it and was surprised that it was so rubbish. I'm glad you said the rest are good because I was beginning to regret having bought the complete box set.

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

The word is that they were all drunk -- and maybe stoned TOO. They were having a great time. The show stank, but they had fun.

Re: Were they on drugs when they made Last Salute To The Commodore?

Exactly my point! I totally agree ! It just beats me what they had in mind when they made such a terribly bad Columbo episode which doesnt at all fit in the Columbo series we all love.
Peter Falk’s acting is preposterous, as if he’s drunk as a fiddler or high on cocaine , barely able to open his mouth and fully utter his lines. I find it almost an insult for us the viewers. He mumbles in the way a knocked-out drunkard would , and weirdly , needlessly touches and hugs everyone around like a most libidinous fellow.. Odd as hell!
Not to mention the plot, which is a total bore, one can hardly make it past the first 30 minutes . Awful acting from everyone, a far too theatrical lady screaming and crying around up to the point you feel the need to throw something at her just to make her stop ... A bunch of people whose relations with one another is hard to comprehend amidst that horrifyingly nonsensical jumble in which they all keep on moving around painfully slowly ... My , oh my, what a torture!
This episode should be banned or wiped out completely, as if it never existed.
A total embarrassment and a pitiful failure.
If you can torture yourself to bear with it until the end, you eventually might feel the need to slap each actor, starting with Falk, in order to help them recover their sobriety / come back to sober state of mind... Lord have mercy! Facepalm.