The Lt. Columbo Forum

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Re: Barry "Pompous" Mayfield

One of my favorite Columbo lines. (not verbatim)

Mayfield "maybe she knows more than she's saying"

Columbo "actually sir I think she knows less than she's saying"

Re: Barry "Pompous" Mayfield

I've always liked the moment when Mayfield gets furious at Heideman for not telling him about being brought to the hospital by ambulance an hour before. I had a similar question about THE MOST DANGEROUS MATCH, but I always like to think of that as his last little moment of genuine concern for Heideman, instead of an act.

Re: Barry "Pompous" Mayfield

Mayfield's killing of Harry & framing him to look as though he had gone back to drug taking is maybe the most truly evil murder in all of Columbo.