The Lt. Columbo Forum

An area where fans from all over can ask each other questions and voice their own ideas and opinions on anything Columbo.

This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
The Lt. Columbo Forum
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New fan from Italy

Hi everybody there,
I have been a Columbo's fan ever since. I can imagine that some of the actors who took part of each episode died, too. But I must admit I feel very sorry that Patricia Mattick, as Margareth Williams (Ransom for a dead man)died more than 10 years ago at the age of 52. I liked her part and herself. I try very often to seek on Internet almost all the staff of each episode and see if they are still alive, as I'd like those people live for ever.
Also, I need your help. I think I found out another goof in the episode Play Back. Whom shall I tell it?
I hope you undesrood my feelings.

Bye, Marco.

Re: New fan from Italy

Welcome, Marco!

If you want to share a Goof that you've discovered, really the best thing is to write about it here. There are Goof sections in the Scrapbook area of the site, and I am glad that you found them, but as a practical matter, the Forum here is the best and most immediate way to communicate with the fans as a group.

If you do need to contact the webmasters, I believe there is still a link to email us on the homepage of the Ultimate Columbo Site. It might have an old email address for me, but you will directly reach webmaster Steve that way.

Welcome again -- have fun and we appreciate your looking around and participating.

Re: New fan from Italy

Hi Ted!! Thanks for answering my question.
I'll try very soon to write as best as I can the little goof I found out in the episode "Play Back":. Will you then let me know what you think??
I know all you over there know more than me, but I think Columbo is part of my life and I wish I had lived in Los Angeles with him and all the actors around those years.I know he said he was italian, althought he was really not in his real life, but he really looked as an italian like us.
My dad was a policeman and so was I years ago and may be, that's why we love it so much.Also, I love reading your posts in this website.

Bye, Marco.

Re:Goofs found in "Playback"

Hi Ted! It's me again. this is was I think I found:
When Mr. Van Wyck (alias the great Oskar Werner) goes to the back side of his house to see what Columbo was searching near the window, Columbo tells him that strangely enough, there are no deep footprints. Oskar Werenr is wearing an unusual brown large pair of sun glasses and bents forward to see the ground and takes his glasses over his fronthead with his arm, but at the next image, when he is still bent over, his sunglasses are strangely again of his nose and his left arm in normal position.
Also, in the same episode, when they both watch the video of the murder scene, at a certain point Mr. Werner speaks a word in german. Infact he says..”Schuss” instead of sayng “Shot”, or am I wrong?

Bye, Marco.

Re: New fan from Italy

Welcome Marco

I'm sorry for your loss. I know losing a member of your favorite 70's detective show can be a real blow. I would like to extends my best wishes to you and your family in these tough times.

Re: New fan from Italy

Many thanks for your kind reply, Glenn. Where are you from? You really made my day!
And best wishes to you, too.
