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Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Hi Guys,
I’m a huge fan of the Columbo series….. However, I never understood the motive in The Most Crucial Game,
Paul Hanlon seemed to have a good gig running the team, and I don’t remember him wanting Eric Wagner’s wife…..

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Although the motive seems weak to commit murder, I think he did want Wagner's wife, particularly since she seemed to have complete faith in his judgement and would let him do whatever he wanted to with the business/money. And if he could win her over, he may even end up with the money. It's weak though, as there are many risks that come with that, such as she remarries someone else who gets rid of him, or she wants to sell everything, etc., etc. That's why it's a weak motive, as you would normally go about working with Wagner in a different manner and find ways through Wagner's wife to convince Wagner to let Paul run everything.

It was a good episode anyway, as I think Robert Culp always makes one of the best murderers. He pulls off the arrogant and confident murderer quite well. This one is my least favourite of the three 70's Robert Culp episodes, but still a good one.

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

It's interesting as I rewatched episode and could not think of the motive either.

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Me too. I had seen the episode several times without realizing I didn't know what the motive was, until I heard it brought up, in an earlier thread at this forum.

I also still don't completely understand how Eve Babcock/Miss Rakoczy fits into the story.

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

I just rewatched this episode a couple of nights ago, and I had the same thought. I kept thinking to myself that I thought it was strange I couldn't remember the motive, and when it all finished I realized there wasn't really a strong one.

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Yeah, i agree. I hate the way he keeps trying to hint for the victim to get in the pool for a workout?

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Hanlon wanted to own the sports franchise, when he's on the phone with Eric he tells him they have a meeting to buy a hockey team and Eric says he doesn't want a hockey team, "Hockey is for penguins" he says, then when Hanlon says they can make two million in the first year Eric says "who needs it". Eric had no ambition and Hanlon wanted it all, that's why he killed him.

I also think Hanlon was having an affair with Eric's wife. He went to the airport to pick her up and she ran into his arms. Then while the police were trying to find clues on the tape she is holding and squeezing Hanlon's hand, and then told them all to get out of her house as if she didn't want them to solve the murder.

Re: Motive in The Most Crucial Game

Also Eric told Hanlon he was going to fire him on of these days, he said next time you call me kid you've had it. Hanlon wanted to get the team while he had the chance. And I think sure Eric's wife was in on the whole plan.