The Lt. Columbo Forum

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This Forum is fondly dedicated in memory of  "cassavetes45"  (Carleen Zink),
Columbo's greatest fan and a great friend to us all.
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RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

RIP and thank you for your memorable contribution to Columbo!

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

The Columbo Podcast had just put up Nimoy's episode too. He was great in Body Snatchers. Loved his work.

RIP, Drs. Spock and Mayfield.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

While for many it may be a day to do Star Trek marathons, for me the first thing I broke out after I heard the news was "A Stitch In Crime". A marvelous testament to Nimoy's diversity as an actor that went way beyond that of Mr. Spock.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

I never knew that Peter Falk and Leonard Nimoy had acted together before Columbo in a 1963 TV movie "The Balcony"

Another Star Trek legend is gone.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

Leonard Nimoy was one of the best "Columbo" killers. He had a great script to work with, ran a very methodical portrayal of the villain, and helped greatly to make "A Stitch in Crime" a huge success. Rest in deserved peace.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

RIP Leonard Nimoy

Here's an intertwining of two careers. Martin Landau was the original choice of the role of Mr Spock. Nimoy replaced Landau when he left the Mission Impossible series. They then both played the murderers in the second season of Columbo!

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

So sorry to hear this news, both as a Columbo and Star Trek fan.

I (very) briefly met him when he autographed a copy of his 1995 autobiography "I am Spock" at a bookshop in Manchester, just after it was published. He was very good with the large crowd of people who queued up to see him that day and he came over as a genuinely nice chap.

Leonard had been in poor health for some time, it seems, but was positive to the end. I like the sentiment behind his last Twitter message also - "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory."

That is why we will always remember people like Leonard. RIP.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

Maybe I've never been an ALL-OUT Trekkie, but the LENGTH OF TIME I've liked STAR TREK really makes up for that, so I'm as sorry to hear this as any non-Trekkie can be. Not only due to it, of course, but so many other things he's done.
Even though any paranormal TV show is going to get a bad rap, IN SEARCH OF has always meant a lot to many of us, and not just in some "campy" way (which is the way people are usually told they're "supposed to" like it).

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

"A Stitch in Crime" is in my top 5 Columbo episodes.
And Nimoy was a gentleman and role model for so many.

Thank you and goodbye Leonard.

Re: RIP; Leonard Nimoy "Dr. Mayfield"

I agree that Leonard Nimoy starred in a great episode of Columbo - one of my favorites! RIP.