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Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

I wonder if the following bothered anyone else...

Upon meeting Alex, Columbo says, "I'm a big fan, my wife and I love your last album..."

Alex says "I didn't realize you were into piano concertos."

My first question is: how does it make sense to say this to someone you just met? How would he have "realized" anything about Columbo?

Anyway, Columbo answers, "No, I meant your album of Strauss waltzes.", and Alex says, "oh I forgot about that one."

My second question is: was Alex testing Columbo? Was he thinking, this guy can't possibly be into classical music, let me try tricking him.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

That took place at Alex's house, which was ther 2nd time they met. He and Alex first met at Welles' apartment the night she was killed, so maybe Alex had time to mentally process the rumpled detective's appearance and didn't think he would be the type to listen to classical, the stereotypical type being a Hollywood Bowl upper class kind. Just a guess!

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

Yeah, i remember that scene. The line you referred to was kind of awkward.

On a side note from that episode, there is the exchange between the maistro and his wife. She is suspicious of Alex's infidelities and says "i know you, Alex"
Then he reacts saying " Why does everyone think they know me, like i'm in some kind of constant masqerade". Maybe, BECAUSE SHE'S YOUR WIFE!

That exchange made me dislike Alex even more. Maybe that was the intention?

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

I know a suspicion (even a strong one) isn't the same thing as certainty, but I can't help thinking he wouldn't have had too much to lose by telling Janice about Jennifer, since she was so suspicious already. Of course, he had other worries, like what his mother-in-law would do about it.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

I've always liked his touchy reaction when Columbo asks his income. Maybe it's just embarrassment because he's this celebrity conductor partly due to his marriage. (It reminds me just a little of Swanny's great line in "COMMODORE" - "It's called a salary, but who's kidding who?") But either way, I can't help sympathizing with it - to some people, that IS an overly personal question.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

But Jenifer Welles had just said "I know you, I need you and you need me" or something like that. It was the coincidence that both women in his life were pushing him in similar but different ways in the same night.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

i remember she said that line in a weird way, like a cartoon mouse or maybe a chipmunk.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

Nice thread going here.

It does seem inappropriate for Alex to make that comment. But the script called for it. Classical music can be divided into two categories - the works only people who are really into classical music would know and music that EVERYONE knows. Piano concertos, string quartets etc are examples of music only a relatively few people listen to. This includes works from composers that many people have not heard of. Then there is the EVERYONE music, pieces that we have heard in high school music class, as themes etc, pieces like the Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven's Fifth, Back Ode to Joy etc.

So when Alex makes his comment it seems like, as someone already wrote, that he is saying to Columbo, "I didn't think someone like you - being just a cop, would appreciate piano concertos. When Columbo mentions the Waltz album Alex, piece of trash that he is, says he forgot about it. Meaning of course that the Blue Danube waltz is something worthy to be forgotten - not because it is not pleasant music - but because Columbo, and everyone, know of it. He is basically telling Columbo - you might like that well known music but you do not - or cannot - appreciate more 'serious music' like piano concertos.

It is obvious that Alex would not forget about an album he recorded. He is "Just being a jerk."

And yes, what a ridiculous thing to say to his wife.

Re: Etude in Black -- Columbo and Alex meet

wow i'm glad I asked, I had no idea about any of that, thanks for the great answer. It makes me appreciate the episode even more, that's a great job by the writers.